Need help connecting my TV-Laptop-Reciever


Oct 11, 2014
Hey i want to connect my Laptop to my TV using HD and connect the TV to the Receiver. My Reciever has just RCA outs or Component.
What should I do?
Ok. Looking at pg. 5 of 34 of your Home Theater Receiver manual, it appears you only have an auxiliary audio (RCA Red/White L/R audio input).

Looking at pg. 7 of 16 of your HDTV manual, it appears you have HDMI inputs as well as RCA Red/White L/R audio outputs.

I do not see anywhere that your HDTV has a VGA analog input. This means the only way to get video from your laptop to your PC is via an HDMI cable. While your HDTV *may* be able to convert the HDMI/digital audio to the RCA Red/White L/R audio outputs on your HDTV (unlikely), it would probably be easier to run the last option I provided:

Laptop --> HDMI Output --> HDTV HDMI Input
Laptop --> Headphone/Speakers Out --> 3.5mm to RCA L/R audio RCA cable -->...

Hi, sorry.
I have msi laptop with Hdmi port, i connect it to panasonic smart TV with Hdmi cable and the the sound is from the TV.
But i want to connect my TV to an old samsung receiver without HD port( just RCA and component ) so sound will out from my surrond speakers wich connect to the receiver.
Here's what I've been able to find:

Your Home Theater system only has Auxiliary (RCA L/R) and Optical S/PDIF audio inputs. (source)
Your TV, I wasn't able to find. Re-check the model number
Your laptop has both HDMI and VGA outputs.

Ideally, your set up would look like this:

Laptop --> HDMI Out --> HDTV HDMI input --> S/PDIF Optical output --> Receiver S/PDIF Optical Input.

However, this only speculates that your HDTV has an HDMI Input and an optical S/PDIF output. Otherwise:

Laptop --> HDMI Out --> HDTV HDMI Input --> 3.5mm analog output --> 3.5mm to RCA L/R audio RCA cable --> Receiver Auxiliary audio inputs.

However, this only speculates that your HDTV has an HDMI Input and can separate and convert the digital audio from the HDMI input to the analog 3.5mm output.


Laptop --> HDMI Output --> HDTV HDMI Input
Laptop --> VGA Output --> HDTV VGA Input
Laptop --> Headphone/Speakers Out --> 3.5mm to RCA L/R audio RCA cable --> Receiver Auxiliary audio inputs.

The second part (VGA) assumes your HDTV has a VGA input.

-Wolf sends

hi, this is the correct model of the TV -Panasonic VIERA TH-42AS610l
in that source it said that the receiver has an optical port but it does'nt.
Just componenet and rca.

thanks again, Rafael.
Ok. Looking at pg. 5 of 34 of your Home Theater Receiver manual, it appears you only have an auxiliary audio (RCA Red/White L/R audio input).

Looking at pg. 7 of 16 of your HDTV manual, it appears you have HDMI inputs as well as RCA Red/White L/R audio outputs.

I do not see anywhere that your HDTV has a VGA analog input. This means the only way to get video from your laptop to your PC is via an HDMI cable. While your HDTV *may* be able to convert the HDMI/digital audio to the RCA Red/White L/R audio outputs on your HDTV (unlikely), it would probably be easier to run the last option I provided:

Laptop --> HDMI Output --> HDTV HDMI Input
Laptop --> Headphone/Speakers Out --> 3.5mm to RCA L/R audio RCA cable --> Receiver Auxiliary audio inputs.

This set up *should* give you laptop video on your HDTV and laptop audio through your receiver.

-Wolf sends