Need help deciding if this laptop is what im looking for. (low-end, budget)

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Aug 16, 2017
HI, my younger brother is getting a laptop for his birthday but our family is kind of in a budget state right now so the price point we came to was about $230.

He just needs one to play games like Terraria, Roblox, and other indie/pixel based games like Binding of Isaac or Sonic mania. He never plays high end graphical games.

I found this so far:

Would this work for these games at minimum settings, getting constant 30-60 fps in Roblox should be fine for him, thanks! And if it doesn't work, what would you recommend?
At that price it is likely the best new laptop you can buy. The Radeon R4 (Beema) graphics core is pretty weak. It is less powerful than an Intel HD 4000 in a 3rd generation Intel CPU that was released back in late 2012. However, you will not be able to buy a laptop with a more powerful integrated graphics core (though still weaker than a low end dedicated GPU) unless you bump up the budget around $325 - $350.
At that price it is likely the best new laptop you can buy. The Radeon R4 (Beema) graphics core is pretty weak. It is less powerful than an Intel HD 4000 in a 3rd generation Intel CPU that was released back in late 2012. However, you will not be able to buy a laptop with a more powerful integrated graphics core (though still weaker than a low end dedicated GPU) unless you bump up the budget around $325 - $350.

You're going to need something a bit faster if you want to play any games with 3D graphics (like roblox). Even if you got a laptop with an M- series chip it would still beat this one by a significant margin.

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