Need suggestions for an Awesome Digital Antenna !


Sep 11, 2014
Christmas gift !

2 Years ago I got my parents a very nice 60 inch LCD T.V. as they were using a old tv from the 70's and would not replace it. This was very well received and they love it.

Last Year I got them a badasz surround system, with basically everything anyone could ever want included in it (spent way to much). They liked it, but have trouble using it. They rarely use because it is to complicated for them. 🙁

This year they requested a digital antenna that actually works. The most expensive indoor antennas just will not do the job. My parents are to cheap for satellite and cable is not available in the area. My parents live around 45 - 60 miles from the 3 areas where the signals originate from. So based on the research I have done a multi directional antenna would be the best bet. The real problem with my parents location is that there home is down in a hole (basically). Not only are they surrounded by hills but also a lot of forest.

Price is not really something I am worried about (though I am poor), my parents sacrificed so much for me in my childhood. I am more than happy to spend whatever it takes to ensure that they are happy.

What I am looking for is the best (highest quality) antenna for signal gain. I do not want a light rain or a gentle breeze to completely shut down public tv for them like it does now. I would just get them satellite and pay for it myself but they will not allow it (as my sister has tried this in the past). To get to a higher point of ground away from the home would mean running a cable ~150 yards uphill. I am unsure if that much cable would have loss high enough as to lose any gains from the antenna.

Do I need some type of low loss cable ?

Do I need some type of booster ?

Any help is appreciated.

P.S. I had a picture to add to this thread. It was a map of my parents general location and the location of origination of the signals. For some reason or another my account is bugged and I am not allowed to put images into threads until I validate my already validated email (sigh, wasted 2 hours trying to get it to work).

Here is a link to the pic on tiny pic.

It might be very hard or near impossible to get a decent signal under those conditions. An antenna mounted at a high ridge to get out our of the valley with a long low loss cable to your parents home would be one solution.
An amp would be good but you would need one powered over the coax antenna wire.
I would check with Channel Master
and Winegard
for your best options.

Ty, I will check them out.