There are two fixes for the Xbox 360 for this error. Error
NW-4-7 can be fixed on all version of the 360 console, even the slim. For
modded systems, use the Home Network Fix for the best result.
Adjust The DNS Settings
Incorrect DNS settings run rampant on multiple systems. Correcting
them to automatic values will prevent the connection from severing during media
streaming. This is the quicker of the two fixes.
1. On the Xbox 360 controller press the guide button.

2. Choose Settings from the pop up menu and then System

3. Go to Network Settings and then choose your current

4. Select Configure Network.

5. Highlight DNS Settings and set it to Automatic.

6. Once the above steps are finished, turn the Xbox off and
wait a full minute before turning it back on.

7. When the home screen appears, navigate to the Netflix app
and try to stream.

Restart The Home Network
Any currently connected device needs will be knocked offline
until the modem and router are steady again. Make sure there are no devices
syncing or downloading data so you can avoid corruption. This fix is the best
for modded Xbox 360’s that have Error NW-4-7.
1. Turn off the Xbox 360.

2. Unplug the modem and router from the wall. Wait one minute.

3. Plug the modem in first, and then the router. Wait for
the bootup lights to set.

4. Turn on the Xbox 360 and open the Netflix app.