Netflix is finally letting you clean up your Continue Watching row — here's how you do it

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Oct 20, 2008
Netflix is adding the ability to remove TV shows and movies from your Continue Watching row. This is a seriously useful upgrade, so here's how to do it.

Netflix is finally letting you clean up your Continue Watching row — here's how you do it : Read more
Just imagine if they let you hide programs that you've already seen or that you know you never want to see and that you could log in and find quickly, new shows that you've never seen before and actually want to watch. Just imagine how amazing that would be. Too bad it's too complicated and expensive for any streaming company to implement. You know computers and data bases, it's like impossible to let you hide a show and to have them stop recommending the show that you've already seen and downrated every time you open the app. Just imagine how amazing that would be.
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