News Netflix tipped to raise prices again in 2024 — here’s what we know


Feb 13, 2023
Well if that is the case, Netflix has to get rid of the the stuff they put on their steaming service. I am talking about the foreign garbage they try to call entertainment (in Canada). They should also stream Fi, and NASCAR races since they can do documentaries on them.
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Feb 24, 2022
An analyst firm has tipped Netflix to increase its price after its previous increase and password-sharing crackdown "went well" for the streaming service.

Netflix tipped to raise prices again in 2024 — here’s what we know : Read more
I don’t know why people put up with it - - how foolish can they be?!? Don’t they realize they have the POWER - cancel NETFLIX. No, instead they accept the increase and NETFLIX benefits totally. And, realizes they can keep increasing the prices because the subscribers will accept all the abuse they dish out.
If enough people said no way, watch the price come down ~
Jan 25, 2024
Ditto Amazon...I did not sign up to have most of Amazon Prime be a cacophony of bundled services along with "everything Freevee." One has to scroll way down the list to see actual Prime movies. I'm done with funding Jeff Bazos and his divorce payments along with his percentage of advertising revenues. I'm waiting for the results of the litigation for long term subscribers...and get my measly $30 back watered down amongst 5,000,000 subscribers.


Feb 24, 2022
Fantastic ~ its good to see that someone is using their “power”. I’m with you. I’ not paying for Netflix, I’m not paying for Prime without adds. If only others would see that they have the ability to stop these greedy companys.


Sep 12, 2018
I agree with the other comments. It's bad enough that they raise prices, but then to add commercials? I started watching streaming to AVOID the commercials! It was worth paying a few bucks to not have commercials THAT was the reason for paid streaming in the first place.
Hulu hasn't been able to sell subscriptions for their mega ad-laden service for years.
I've been on one promo after another .99 to $1.99 for years ! Just so you they can claim they have subscribers. I'd never pay more than 1.99 to watch commercials! And really as little as I've watched Hulu in the last year (maybe 5 hrs) it's really not even worth that, except that my brother watches it somestimes as well (maybe another 15 hrs a year). And then they want to crack down on sharing?? OK,
bye !
Same with D+ the first year I watched a lot. Now, new content trickles out so slowly, most of which I'm no longer even interested in...After ruining Marvel and setting out to consciously destroy the Star Wars franchise as well, it's another service not worth more than $1/mo (with ads) which is about what we're paying.
We cancelled Disney for 8 months when they went from $7 to $9/mo. Then they immediately went to $10/mo. So we cancelled again. Then got a promo a month later at Thanksgiving. For the 5 hrs a year watching new content on Disney , it's probably not even worth $1/mo either.
When prime and all the premium streaming services become just another Pluto or Tubi but want you to pay,
It's time to move on.
I have also recently re-discovered that I can watch shows with commercials for free on OTA channels as well.😂