Question netgear vpn network switch


Aug 20, 2016
can anyone tell me if the netgear vpn network switch is the same as having a vpn type connection? i'm not real familiar with the vpn's except i'm told they try to make you invisible when your online. so will the netgear vpn network switches do the same thing? by looking at them they look like the network switched i have around my house for my cameras, but this may be better served at the pc location to keep the pc secure if they in fact keep a pc invisible to the online network? can anyone help me figure this out? i see they have 10/100 and i see them at 10/100/1000 so i know those are gigabit switches as i have both. thanks for any help on this.
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As I understand it, they are. Note that a VPN does not make you "invisible" but makes it much harder to trace your activity. For instance, your ISP won't be able to tell what site you are talking to and potentially market that information. I'm sure the government has the means to track you if they really want to, however. I always use a VPN because of the ISP tracking. Note that your ISP can still get some information if you use their DNS lookup. There are complex issues associated with DNS security. Search on this if you are interested. VPN are also useful if you are not using an HTTPS (secure) connection--but that security is not the strongest. I strongly suggest you use a VPN. However, some sites (such as Netflix) won't work with a VPN turned on. Don't know how that would be resolved with VPN hosted in a switch.


Aug 20, 2016
thanks not looking to be invisible just wondering if it would make my cameras less susceptible to someone trying to hack into my system thru my cameras. i think i will ask my son in law he is an it person for a large company maybe he can help, i forgot until just now. thanks
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