New iPhone Jailbreak Hack May Also Work on iPad

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Say hello to multitasking on iPad! I've been doing the same on my jailbroken iPod Touch 2nd gen for a while now and never looked back. Stick it to the man (Steve Jobs) geohot!
Remind me again why we care about the iPad?

It's pretty sad that you have to hack your new product out of the box just to make it work like any other PC on the market. Why don't you save yourself the hassle and just buy a DIFFERENT tablet that already gives you the functionality you wanted in the first place?

Or don't buy tablets... Unless you're an artist or play too much bejeweled. But, in that respect, neither customer would be any more efficient using this gimmick.
If the software in the app store isn't good enough for you then maybe you need to get a different phone. It is against the law to jailbreak an iPhone. If you jailbreak an iPhone then you can be sued and rest assured you won't win if that happens. Software license agreements aren't just meaningless words.
I believe a iphone is what you need for the future. nothing more but all our unbreakable and unhackable iproducts. and join atnt. trust me.
by steve jobs
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