If you watch the little video on apple's site for this, you'll see the controls have taken a turn for the "this thing is a pain in the ***". My second generation shuffle I like, a lot. And while I would like 4 gigs of storage, and an even smaller ipod, this doesn't work. I'm only going to reference one navigation tool, the one that allows for the switching of playlists. One has to click and hold, and it will tell you the name of the playlist, then will begin to run down the list of playlists, and you have to click the center button when the name of the playlist you want to listen to is named. This strikes me as idiotic, I can't tell you the number of times I've had to do something else while I was playing with my ipod, get off the subway, get on the subway, put a token in the turnstyle, respond to someone speaking to me. For me at least, my listening is often broken up by events in the outside world that need addressing. Relying on timing to make a selection is a mistake imo, not to mention the "morse code" (to the poster who posted that descriptive, I thought it was apt) required to use the thing, this thing is an atrocious error when it comes to controls. (With due caveat; IMO)