New Laptop for coding

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Jan 18, 2017
Hey I was planning on getting a laptop for coding I know that I would need one that has a quad core processor ssd for fast speeds, and at least 8gb of ram idc too much for gaming I was thinking about the Inspiron 7559 it seems like a good deal with some upgrade ability for the future but then I started thinking about the surface pro and how it is easy to use ha as pen and many features or maybe even a 2-in-1 but idk which to choose from can I get some help. Also if anyone could help me reach my goal just donating $5 would be really appreciated just $5 is all I would like but anyways back on course I plan on usin C++ maybe even JavaScript and even HTML and other programs along those lines leave a recommendation and why a decent battery life would be good as well!
[gofundme link removed]
No advertising.
Additionally nobody's going to donate cash for you to buy a laptop when they themselves could spend that cash.
They have no obligation to help or donate at all, with all-due respect, stop begging on the internet and get a job.
You can get a laptop to do the job for $300ish, $1100 is indulgent anyway.
An SSD IS NOT necessary. Neither is a quad core. My current laptop i'm typing this on is a dual core i5 4210u laptop, it's heaps for everything, and enough for workstation use and coding.
Ask your parents.
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