New Laptop Wanted


Nov 3, 2013
Hi, I'm looking to get a new laptop next week when I get paid. I'd say my budget is about £800 but I could probably stretch a little above it if it's really justifiable (please bear in mind if you are using a US website that simply using the conversion rate might not reflect the actual price from a UK retailer). I am wanting the laptop for standard everyday use, gaming, potentially streaming and watching Netflix/etc. I'd like to be able to play new games on high with reasonable FPS. Another thing, there's nothing I hate more than tabbing out in between games online and the it taking forever for the windows to switch. I'm hoping this comes inherently with a better system anyway but I'm not sure if a component of the laptop can effect this positively.

I travel a lot as part of my job so would prefer it if it wasn't extremely heavy, however it's not a huge matter if it's got a bit of bulk, so long as the build quality is good. I'd also like a bigger screen on my laptop but if cost restricts then I'd be happy with a 15" screen.

A big request I do have is that the laptop doesn't come with a lot of pre-loaded software from the makers. All of my previous laptops (when I used to do my gaming on console) were HP and I've just had enough of them. They just seem to deteriorate really quickly, the pre-loaded software tends to cause no end of problems and the build quality is just shoddy. I promised I wouldn't get a HP laptop in November when I got a new one but I did end up buying one (those god damn dirty salesmen) and I've regretted it since. Normally I wouldn't get a new laptop so soon but HP systems annoy me that much that I can't bear using one any more.

Another objection I have is to Windows 8. I understand I'm going to have to adapt at some point but I absolutely despise it as an OS and I'd rather not have it if it's possible.

I'd appreciate all suggests or even advice on some of the comments I've made that may not be possible, etc. Please elaborate and explain in as much detail as possible as I'm not very in the know when it comes to technology!


Nov 3, 2013
After a bit of research for myself I've come to terms with the fact that for £800 you can't really get a decent laptop for the requirements I have. Not without taking knock-backs that I'm not really willing to take, so I think I'm willing to spend up to £1000 on the laptop. I'm considering this ( laptop but could anyone advise whether there are better laptops for the money I'm willing to spend?

EDIT: Just seen this laptop ( as well. From what I gather it will do the job I need, if any potential problems could be pointed out to me then that would be great!


Nov 3, 2013
As I said, simply converting the price won't work because although a laptop may be $1200 which should make it about £700 that isn't the case. You'll usually find that a $1200 laptop will cost closer to £1000-£1100 from UK retailers. I'm not sure exactly why this is, I guess it just has something to do with the relative costs of specs/components to the availability in that region.

Thanks for the suggestion though, I've actually seen that website during research and it's given me a few ideas.