[citation][nom]ProDigit80[/nom]like stated, a trillion bits = 125 000 000 000 bytes, or about 116GB.The title of this article almost sounded like this memory would survive a nuclear holocaust.. In theory it all sounds nice, but I would love to see a nano fiber of steel/iron keeping a charge of a few milivolts for over a billion of times...[/citation]
First, just try to make the difference between capacity and density...
Secondly, the "nano fiber" is a nanotube of carbon, and not of "steel/iron", but containing an iron nanoparticle...
Also, the storage method doesn't imply "a charge of a few milivolts for over a billion of times", but the mechanical displacement of the iron nanoparticle, in the carbon nanotube, by an electric current, and the magnetic field generated by it.
Confusing, all this nanostuff... Eh?
The "stated capacity" and "endurance" are just speculations, to provide some high numbers, for those that are easily impressed by them.
"In lab and theoretical studies, the researchers showed that the device had a storage capacity as high as 1 terabyte per square inch (a trillion bits of information) and temperature-stability in excess of one billion years."
Oh, well, some details got lost by Kevin, but it's getting us just a bit closer to the answer(s). There is no "proof of concept" device, yet, to sustain those guesstimations, just some experiments and a lot of hype.