News New PS5 model available now, but it won't fix the restock disaster

It is just revision, not even proper new model like PS4 Pro or Slim that came under new name. And those are normal, as manufactures find various tweaks they could do. Even PS4 Pro had revisions, one of more notable being one in which they reduced fan speed a bit, which lowered noise tad bit, bur console was running bit hotter to, though still well within spec. Still those revisions mostly are silent, unnoticeable and don't najorly change experience. And PS5 will probably get quite few during its lifetime too.

And I mean, both changes won't largely change experience. Weight, since it isn't portable system, matters way less. And screew is likely something that will stay as you set it up initially. So it is minor quality of life thing.

A ND yeah, this won't improve supply, since most of stuff are sane and they are made in same lroduction lines. Which can't really work faster.