New Ransomware Looks, Acts Like Windows Update

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This only happens if you get your updates outside of the official support channels! Note that for most people, using the automatic update provides much more protection than risk of infection.
Not true elcaab
What happens is the initial prompt mimicking the get updates prompt windows 10 shows every couple of days that has became normal windows 10 user experience.

If the user can then be tricked into running the next step then that is bad
I agree with carl0ski. I got infected a few days ago just because I trusted a freelancing company that connects me with clients via their platform. In this case, the attackers used their application, the hacker actually presented himself and talked to me for 20 minutes through a fake profile just to send me a virus. He even encouraged me to click on it, assuring me that the file is safe. Luckily, I used my old computer, and i have a backup of all files that were there. I am still in negotiations over how will this be resolved, which is why I won't name the company responsible at this moment.

This is a question of irresponsibility and companies that simply do not care for our safety even after we pay for their services should be prosecuted and held liable. And it's not only the private companies, governmental institutions, education systems and even healthcare services are continuously endangering their citizens, users, students and patients.

We need a wake up call people. THe number of ransomware attacks quadrupled over the past few months and we are still believing that this can't happen to us. I am a living proof that it can.
Or, better yet: ONLY use Windows Update and updates from Microsoft's OWN website. Period!
Also, do not download every Dick and Jane program on the internet and install them to your computer!

I swear.... I have not gotten hit with a true virus (I have gotten hit with 'scareware' game trainers being labeled trojan horses) ever since I enabled No/NotScript on Waterfox/Chrome and started being very very very leery about enabling scripts on websites.
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