News Corp Charging for Online News

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Spanky Deluxe

Mar 24, 2009
[citation][nom]zjuice[/nom]@dman3kNY Post not NY times is owned by NewscorpAlso you should get your facts right, Fox News is one of the most watched cable news channels. Personally I think all news organization have their bias. It is a form of entertainment and whatever floats your boat.[/citation]

Yup, but I don't have to pay an individual subscription for the BBC News website as well as each individual TV channel. Besides which, the BBC news site *is* funded by adverts when viewed by people outside the UK since they haven't paid for a TV license. Either way, no one's having to take out a site specific subscription for access to news.


Jul 31, 2009
[citation][nom]spanky deluxe[/nom]Yup, but I don't have to pay an individual subscription for the BBC News website as well as each individual TV channel. Besides which, the BBC news site *is* funded by adverts when viewed by people outside the UK since they haven't paid for a TV license. Either way, no one's having to take out a site specific subscription for access to news.[/citation]

Well I do not have to pay for a TV license.

Also payed news on the internet will never fly unless you give specific news like the wall street journal. If Fox or CNN tried to do this they would fail because like you said I could go to BBC website, blog or multiple other websites.

Also do you still have to pay for individual tvs each year or have the moved it to one license per house. When I lived there is was about 119 pounds, what is it now?


[citation][nom]soldier37[/nom]All you fucks bashing fox news can kiss my right wing conservative ex military of 14 years proud to have taken out beloved patriot the wraghead ass! Liberal pukes like you are bringing down this country and 2012 can't get here fast enough so we can get back on track. This President who is not mine is tearing this country apart piece by piece. Universal health care what a joke, just like you lefty pinko communists on here bashing Fox. Up yours I fought for this country and bled for it how about you try doing something for yours![/citation]

You are the perfect poster boy for Fox News, dumb,racist, uneducated violent and vulgar! The army is socialism buddy!! It is run by the government. Health care for the troops is the same thing. US is ranked 39th for health care but is 1st in costs. You are a dumbed down inbred right winger that votes and believes things that are against your own self interest. Never underestimate a racist right winger, they always get dumber by the year. Bush destroyed America and America's image. The US is now a torturing terrorist state run by Corporations. That is what you call corporatism and it is right wing and fascist! Many more soldiers will die and the Empire will come crumbling down on your redneck ass!!!


Soldier37: I'm sure some of the Nazi's felt the same way about their "accomplishments". I used to be in the army too, you're obviously one of the dumb grunts, cannon fodder, etc... out on the frontlines risking your life for absolutely no good reason. Leave the thinking to smart people, OK?


Jul 24, 2009
[citation][nom]MOONBLOOD[/nom]...You are a dumbed down inbred right winger that votes and believes things that are against your own self interest. Never underestimate a racist right winger, they always get dumber by the year. Bush destroyed America and America's image. The US is now a torturing terrorist state run by Corporations. That is what you call corporatism and it is right wing and fascist! Many more soldiers will die and the Empire will come crumbling down on your redneck ass!!![/citation]
Well there's the pot calling the kettle black. Put down the Kool-Aid and take off the tin-foil hat.


[citation][nom]thedreadfather[/nom]Well there's the pot calling the kettle black. Put down the Kool-Aid and take off the tin-foil hat.[/citation]

I dare you to debunk anything I have said. The US has tortured over 1000 individuals in the last 7 years and over 150 have died due to torture. You can google it if you want. It has been widely reported. As for the corporations running the show, this is basic US Political History 101.




Mar 20, 2009
[citation][nom]MOONBLOOD[/nom]You are the perfect poster boy for Fox News, dumb,racist, uneducated violent and vulgar! The army is socialism buddy!! It is run by the government. Health care for the troops is the same thing. US is ranked 39th for health care but is 1st in costs. You are a dumbed down inbred right winger that votes and believes things that are against your own self interest. Never underestimate a racist right winger, they always get dumber by the year. Bush destroyed America and America's image. The US is now a torturing terrorist state run by Corporations. That is what you call corporatism and it is right wing and fascist! Many more soldiers will die and the Empire will come crumbling down on your redneck ass!!![/citation]

It wasn't bush who destroyed the nation. It was the gov/feds who tried get into the economy that destroy the nation. We're been on the road to fascism since Lincoln's time. Go study more. ;) (I could detail shit load of history but this pretty much sums it up)


Dec 27, 2006
Seriously? You all hate fox news because it has a right wing bias? Take a good look at the other news stations... every damn one has a very strong left wing agenda and just because fox is different doesnt make it BS.

Not that this is the place to be arguing about such silly things anyway :/


Jul 24, 2009
[citation][nom]MOONBLOOD[/nom]I dare you to debunk anything I have said. The US has tortured over 1000 individuals in the last 7 years and over 150 have died due to torture. You can google it if you want. It has been widely reported. As for the corporations running the show, this is basic US Political History 101.[/citation]
I'm not going to sit here and have a childish argument with a bigoted hypocrite, my life isn't that boring.
So good day, sir.


Speaking of the BBC, here is an EXCELLENT piece of journalism they did that you won't see on any right wing news channel like ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX CNN:

PS: There is no liberal media in the US outside of blogs, and I can count the liberals in Congress on one hand... Both parties do I fine job of bending over for the greater rightwing corporate agenda, you have to travel to Europe to find liberal legislators...


Aug 17, 2006
[citation][nom]MOONBLOOD[/nom]I dare you to debunk anything I have said. The US has tortured over 1000 individuals in the last 7 years and over 150 have died due to torture. You can google it if you want. It has been widely reported. As for the corporations running the show, this is basic US Political History 101.[/citation]
Where is your proof that we "tortured" anyone? Its odd that you say Google has all this "evidence" yet the people who want to prosecute the Bush administration have not brought any of this, so called evidence to light. And just like the Bush DOJ, I do not define "enhanced interrogation techniques" as "torture". If you can equate making prisoners strip naked, forcing them to be in the same room with a lady bug, or be touched by a female guard with pulling off finger nails, burning body parts with butane torches and sawing off heads on video, then you are one sick individual. The closest thing to "torture" there is ANY evidence for is that we waterboarded 3 high profile prisoners that provided information that stopped terrorist attacks on the West Coast. My friends and I waterboarded each other to see what it was like and its distressing but not harmful. I once fell down while water skiing as a kid and didnt let go of the rope, that was worse than being waterboarded. And I love how you can talk smack about Fox News being biased, but make no mention of any of the other networks. Sorry MOONBLOOD, but your hypocrisy is showing.


Nov 12, 2008
ALL news organizations are biased. FOX is for blind conservatives and pretty much all the rest are for blind liberals. There are very few left who are willing to look at both sides and come to a middle ground that is good for a majority of the country. The party system is what is killing America, along with corporate greed, and our incessant need to police the globe.


Apr 22, 2009
Poor Rupert Murdock. If we don't pay subscription fees this poor, poor man will be living in the street.

Turn sarcasm to OFF.

I suppose his greed was the drive that got him where it is today. Good for him. I think he should just settle back and relax now and enjoy his money. Leave the technilogical world and the digital age to the young kids.

I'll get my news for free or I won't get it at all. Rupert Murdock is just going to cock-block his news agencies out of the mainstream. If he thinks that's the wise thing to do then by all means please proceed. In a free-market economy you're free to succeed or fail. Charging for the news looks like epic fail to me.

But what do I the consumer know?


Mar 27, 2009
I'm not going to sit here and have a childish argument with a bigoted hypocrite, my life isn't that boring. So good day, sir.

LOL! That's his way of saying "No, I can't debunk any of your claims."

I don't have a problem with Faux Snooze or News Corp charging for their pablum. What I DO have a problem with is Faux Snooze calling itself "Fair and Balanced" in its ads. It is anything BUT fair and balanced. More like "Fake and Biased."

I also want to ask Mr. Soldier how he makes the connection between fighting an unprovoked, illegal, unwarranted foreign interventionist war based entirely upon the lies and misled information fed to us through this nation's former pseudo-elected "president" and our current freedom. Because I'm playing the "non sequitir" card on that argument...
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