wow, now that it can physically run 2 threads at a time, might it finally get F'ing multitasking?? these specs WOULD be exciting, except I got excited over the specs of the 3GS, they are great IN THEORY but they are yet to be taken full advantage of! I would have thought apple would have focused on features rather than specs this time round...
the problem with the 3GS might have been that if you coded apps to take full advantage of it, it wouldn't be compatible with the old version (openGL 1.0 vs 2.0(shaders)) fortunetly, the same will not be true for the new version, it will be much more compatible with the 3gs, as new versions come out, hopefully we can drop support for the first gen one, and begin to take full advantage of the new tech while still suporting older models , down to the 3GS, with ease.