the 3ds has no games, the ds has sold over 140 million units, everyone who wants one has one, and the wii... never supported by hard core because... well they care about graphics, dont want to use a wii mote, and correct me if im wrong but have game cube controllers been discontinued?
the 3ds, if it had more than 3 good games, but 1 genre defineing game from each segment, (sports, puzzle, action, rpg, fps... ect) would be a great system, but all it has is starfox zelda and street fighter 4. people who got street fighter got it on the console or pc, and starfox and zelda are games from over ten years ago, not bad games, some of the best ever made, but old games non the less. if they postponed launch of the 3ds to coincide with the release of zelda, i would have picked on up day 1, but the fact that in the 3-5 months after its launch, and before zelda, there were no other games of merit... left me not wanting to get one till they stepped up games, and with a definite system seller, at least to me, mega man legends 3, canceled... im not sure they will get my money till the system is dead/dieing and i can get everything for rock botom prices.