Nintendo Wii Consoles Used to Treat Serial Killers

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Jan 7, 2009
[citation][nom]AMW1011[/nom]SERIAL KILLERS!?You MUST have meant heroes.Whether or not you agree with the wars, I for one strongly appose them, you better fucking think again before thinking of those brave men and women as anything less than heroes. They are over there risking their lives in an unjust war that we, the U.S. and other corrupt world leaders, caused out of some mad men's greed. Thanks to those mad assholes we need them to keep us, the U.S., and the world at large, yes even your worthless carcass, safe from equally mad men with nothing but hate for the practice of any and all human rights.Do you like to speak your mind? Do you like to do whatever your heart desires? Do you like to hang out with whomever you wish? Do you like to date anyone you want, assuming anyone would want you? Do you enjoy breathing? If you answer any of those questions with a "yes" then shut the fuck up because those "serial killers" are fighting for your right to do so, even if you aren't American.[/citation]
I dislike your 'heroes'.
This, however, is not the proper place to discuss it. It's called an email or PM.


Typical liberal ideology at work... give serial killers Wii game consoles and plasma TVs all on the taxpayer's bill. I can't wait for the day when all these nutty things they get away with catch up to them and they get some paypack.


Dec 18, 2008
Irritating how those in prison live better than some families that are barely getting along...and a lot better than the homeless. Good idea...let's throw more amenities at them...make it worth it to be a prisoner.

Then again, as much as I don't care for it...what if this is all done to help curb violence in the prisons? Idol hands are the devil's tools, and all


Dec 20, 2009
I don't think you are understanding the point of the entertainment in an prison. Ever watch/read Minority report? The prisoners in the book were trapped in their dreams\minds to keep them docile. (Don't quote me, havent read it in 4 years) This entertainment isn't to reward the criminals, but rather to give them a diversion that gives them a false sense of prosperity, and helps take up energy and attention that could be taken up with far more "convictual" pursuits, like attempting escape or injuring other convicts.

Also, in regards to Tommy, life imprisonment saves something like 1 million dollars a prisoner over their lifetime since they can't waste money on their appeals... So much for your "bill".


If society has a problem with an individual it has two choices... Kill them, or isolate and placate them. You think those Wii's are for the inmates? Their not, they're for the guards and institutional staff.

Do you think it's generally a good idea to throw a bunch of socially mal-adjusted and erratic individuals together in a small space then deprive them of sensory stimulation and purposeful activity?

If society wants to kill it's criminals.. That's fine, there's no right or wrong here... It changes based on the ruling ideology of the era. But if we're going to lock them up and attempt to control them.. A few Wii's and some plasma's (No idea why they didn't go with LCD's) are much cheaper than paying for additional manpower to guard the overly agitated prisoners and clean up after them when they occasionally riot in order to provide themselves with some semblance of purpose.


Sep 20, 2006
What ever happened to lifting weights in prison? Now, instead of neckless hulks behind bars they are going to have Wii-crazed diabetics! What a world!


Jan 28, 2008
[citation][nom]AMW1011[/nom]SERIAL KILLERS!?You MUST have meant heroes.Whether or not you agree with the wars, I for one strongly appose them, you better fucking think again before thinking of those brave men and women as anything less than heroes. They are over there risking their lives in an unjust war that we, the U.S. and other corrupt world leaders, caused out of some mad men's greed. Thanks to those mad assholes we need them to keep us, the U.S., and the world at large, yes even your worthless carcass, safe from equally mad men with nothing but hate for the practice of any and all human rights.Do you like to speak your mind? Do you like to do whatever your heart desires? Do you like to hang out with whomever you wish? Do you like to date anyone you want, assuming anyone would want you? Do you enjoy breathing? If you answer any of those questions with a "yes" then shut the fuck up because those "serial killers" are fighting for your right to do so, even if you aren't American.[/citation]
Can have the same freedoms in many other countries and some of them don;t even have a military. The U.S. armed the middle east, and they got out of hand , and now the soldiers are fighting for oil. funny really


Aug 5, 2009
No No we all have seen the injuries and property damage done with a Wii now we gonna see a new headline "person killed with Wii mote"


Dec 5, 2009
[citation][nom]mystoccowgod[/nom]Can have the same freedoms in many other countries and some of them don;t even have a military. The U.S. armed the middle east, and they got out of hand , and now the soldiers are fighting for oil. funny really[/citation]
As I said you can hate WHY the U.S. is fighting all you want, I do as well. And yes, the corrupt madmen and the fools who voted for them created the danger that threatens the entire world now, not to mention the world still reeling from the Treaty of Versilles, but DO NOT slander those brave men and women fighting to protect us, yes that means you too. The fact that they are fighting in a war that we created and the fact that they continue to fight even with that knowledge only makes them more heroic.
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