Non generic laptop hsf?


May 12, 2009
one again (this time, it took 3 months...) my laptop hsf fan worned it self out... :fou:
it's a dell studio 1535 with a t8100 cpu, does anyone knows of a compatible non generic hsf from a known company that I can install into the laptop? I'm tired of the crap dell installs on my laptop and I have no money and no space to get a desktop.
All notebooks are different, and use different cooling solutions. That being said, no one makes hsf assemblies for notebooks.

Worn out? Did it just stop working? Have you tried blowing compressed air through it?

it works but not at full power because it cannot
I don't know what you mean.

Just because it hasn't gone to full RPM doesn't mean it's broken. It just means your machine wasn't hot enough or your utilization isn't high enough to warrant it.
it happened before, 3 months ago, under windows, there is no way to notice that but under linux there is... I can tell you I know using linux
What happened? You can tell me you know what?

I don't know what you're talking about anymore. The OS is independent of your CPU fan functioning; the fan is controlled by your BIOS.
linux has a built in machinsim were in which, if the fan is working in full power and the temps do not drop, it limits the frequency step range so the only lowest range is possible, 3-4 months ago when it happened, I've contact the creator of that feature while assuming it is a linux problem, he told me that it is no problem, just a defense machenisim which is there to protect the cpu, thus there is a hardware problem on my laptop, so I've sent the laptop to the shop, the next day the technician called me and asked who is it possible that hsf was worn out.
the same symptoms are showing now
I still don't get the problem here. Does the fan work, but just won't crank up to full speed? What are your temps like? Does the fan make vibrating noises? Does the fan not move? Fans don't really "wear out", they just get noisy or stop working.

That defense mechanism you described is redundant, as the BIOS also performs this function. It's programmed to shut your machine off if temps get even higher after lowering the multiplier and voltage.