Obama Uses Xbox 360 Video Games to Campaign

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Jun 23, 2006
spaztic7, have you been out of the country. Dont say USA is the best in the world. When you know it is at a hard time. there are many great countries, do us a favor travel.


Dec 2, 2007
hmmmmm, I remember a few other leaders that had great relationships with the media and a big youth movement and they ended in a genocide.

Not saying that the republicans are the good guys. But somehow people have come to believe that if the republicans are the bad guys then the Dems must be good.

Sorry people but Barrak is about as close to Bush as you get. What do i mean by this? Well neither of them are in control of their actions and they are both puppets for a larger political group. Bush is obviously controled by the GOP Bluebloods and Obama by the Chicago Socio-Thugs.


I hate to be discriminatory or condescending but... i mean look at this quote... it says it all

"Recent studies have shown Obama supporters are more likely to garner information or news about the elections than those who support McCain."

Basically saying smart people... people who UNDERSTAND the world AS IT IS vote for the candidate that will do best in that world...
McCains campaign itself has even said its targeting not well educated women and citizens...

how self explanatory... McCain = Past Obama = New, possible future


Jun 23, 2006
McCains campaign itself has even said its targeting not well educated women and citizens...

It said this wow, politics are corrupt there. And he said he will damage Obamas character when losing this is a strategy. Since when does slamming someone make it a good campaign.


Jun 23, 2006
McCains campaign itself has even said its targeting not well educated women and citizens...

It said this wow, politics are corrupt there. And he said he will damage Obamas character when losing this is a strategy. Since when does slamming someone make it a good campaign.


Apr 27, 2008
Obama plains on raising taxes in an econmic crissis?! what the... Mcain said he would leave taxes where they are at for EVERYONE.


Dec 2, 2007
BTW, "Intellectuals" also supported the "National Socialist German Workers Party", "Khmer Rouge" and the "Bolsheviks". Didnt turn out too well for them (or anyone else) in the end.


Jun 5, 2007
[citation][nom]bulletsponge4u[/nom]Hogwash I tell you. McCain and Bush are nothing alike. How you forgotten the pretty dirty battle between reps and McCain? Simple minded people, believe what you want. I am voting Rep. The spin and twirl of lies has gotten many.Reps health care, a joke, Dems health care, a lie. Do your research. Dems want public health care backed by private third parties. the plan will be an all incompassing one, not private plans. Our taxes will bacck the third parties and in a sense, cause of the single health care plan, we all pay for each others medical plans. My taxes will not pay for someone elses health care. Look at Canada, look at Europe. You wanna see our nation hit rock bottom, turn our health care into a socialist one.Believe what ever you want about change, the fact remains that Obama talks about how Clinton was a great leader and the Dems did such a great job in office. Talking about the past, thats not change, thats a resurection.Now lets talk about how the failure of the nations banks wasn't a rep problem. The fafct is that anyone, dem or rep that took office after Clinton was screwed. Without proper regulation of the finical matters of the nation and allowing the bubble of imagionary money to grow, we screwed ourselves. Say what you want, this was not cause of the reps. It was mishandeling of our free market and allowing debts to extend past that of what could be backed(ex, income, banks assets, ect).So before you wave your white flag of change, look a nation that is still great, look at what the past has given us. Why change something that works? We need regulation, thats all.[/citation]

Hmm, apparently canada is rock bottom, thats pretty funny.

As for universal health care, recently my mom needed life saving surgery, our universal health care here in "rock bottom" canada paid for this.

not so bad for "the bottom of the barrel" canada EH?


Oct 15, 2008
He is definitely dividing the country.
He is for sale, just like everyone else, only the buyers are unknown... probably Hamas.


Dec 2, 2007
[citation][nom]Sicundercover[/nom]Can anyone name the last President of the U.S. that raised taxes during a finacial crisis? And what was the outcome? [/citation]

Well 4 hrs and no answer so here is your U.S. history for the night

The last U.S. President to raise taxes during a failing economy was Herbert Hooverin 1928, shortly after this the U.S. fell into the worst economic times in its history.


Jun 23, 2006
[citation][nom]dane0198[/nom]He is definitely dividing the country.He is for sale, just like everyone else, only the buyers are unknown... probably Hamas.[/citation]

your country has been divided since the civil war.


Dec 2, 2007
Really then how does he plan on paying for that 1 Trillian spending plan and this 700 billion bailout congress just passed.

Clinton also promised tax cuts and then got into office and didnt cut any taxes.

Really odd how people who follow politics once every four years always come off like there going to teach you something. When asked they can never tell you any names of the behind the scenes guys. They just ramble something off about fox news and how they control so much.

Now no doubt that FOX news is in with the Republicians but its one channel. However you hear nothing about how CNN, MSNBC, NBC, CBS, and ABC are all in with the Dems. Not to mention that CNN is owned by Time Warner (aka Ted Turner) which is also Time Magazine and the TPG. NBC is owned by GE which has been caught doing massive deals with Iran (who doyou think they would rather have as Pres).

Im not saying vote McCain Im just saying stop acting like Obama is something hes not. Hes no different and hes not change.

You want change Vote Ron Paul.


EA is the worst company on earth. The abuse people, they insult people: they sell you a game, then they force you to watch nasty advertisements which you do not want to see. Enlarge your penis! Insert a CocaCola up your ass! And now, presidency. I will never buy an EA game again. NEVER. Those bastards deserve that. I don't want to see ads on a game which I have already paid for.


"Do your research. Dems want public health care backed by private third parties."

You just need to look at Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac... two "private" companies (in theory) who were encouraged to give out high risk loans, at times with no money down. There were also so called NINJA (no income, no job) loans - loans made to people who did not have to provide income info or prove employment. The principle was good (help lower income people find houses), but the execution was horrendous (as is most things run by the gov't).

Then we are stunned that these "private" companies collapse, need bail out and oh by the way have given huge sums of political donations to the banking committee members, and in some cases below market loans to folks in Congress (who are stunned to find out they were paying below market rates).

Gee, I wonder what will happen to the "private" health care companies who win the business in the universal health care plan? A gov't run plan will simply add a new level of bureaucracy which will add to overall cost and introduce new means for corruption.

During the primaries Obama spoke out about the impact of money on elections and pledged to go for public financing. After winning and raising record money in the primaries, he apparently suddenly concluded that money was no longer that bad, and backed out of his pledge. He is now spending 3Mil per day on TV advertising (3X that of McCain) and will completely blow away campaign spending records. Quite frankly I'm getting tired of the deluge of ads and call me nuts but I'm changing my vote on one Congressmen based solely on the volume and negativity of ads that are being churned out.
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