Opinions about the Lenovo Ideapad y500


Apr 9, 2013
Hello everybody,

I have a decent gaming desktop, but unfortunately the old girl is about to run its course. As opposed to upgrading it (since I'm in college) I'm thinking about finding a good gaming laptop. After a week or two of research I have settled onto the Lenovo Ideapad y500 as a good choice for the money. Since I'd rather avoid upgrading to the ps4 for a while, I wanted to see if this laptop would suffice for a few years. The model I've found on Newegg is:

Intel i7 2.4 GHz
8 GB Memory
Nvidia Geforce 650m SLI

I can get it for $1000 flat with a free $70 laptop backpack thrown in. I want to see if it is worth the money. It's going to drain a lot of my savings for the time being, but I've got a job lined up for the summer. I just want to:

a) Address whether the y500 can run recent games at an acceptable level (Tomb Raider, Bioshock Infinite, etc) And yes, I've read benchmarks, I just want some opinions based on experience.

b) See if the SLI is supported on most games and a good choice over a more expensive single graphics card.

c) Make sure it is a sturdy product that will last me at least three or four years.

d) See if the price is good for the output.

I know most of this can be looked up, but I'd much rather get opinions from laptop experts and those with gaming experience. Many thanks to whoever can give me some feedback.

Hi :)

My company sells all laptops including Gaming lappies...

Yes its a decent lappy BUT ... FOR $1000 you will get roughly one third of the gaming performance of a $1000 gaming desktop Pc...

This applies to ALL so called gaming lappies...

All the best Brett :)

Why don't you just answer all my questions, Brett. :)

And yes, I realize that, I know my way around computers. Portability is just an absolute must at the moment.

Hi :)

Because its pointless, and apparently you know the answers...

All the best Brett :)

I'm sorry, I hope you didn't misunderstand me. What I meant was that I know the desktop > laptop thing for the money. I swear I didn't mean it badly. I'm just much more familiar with desktops as opposed to laptops. I wasn't implying I know everything about it. I was looking for a viewpoint from a hardware expert's perspective, such as yourself. :)

Hi :)

Ok...a short honest blunt answer.... and my companies sell both Gaming Pcs AND Gaming Laptops...

Gaming laptops are complete and utter crap compared to a Gaming PC....

And they always will be until EXTERNAL enclosures for Graphics cards for Laptops become a LOT cheaper... (around £1500/$1500 AT THE MOMENT)

Its a purely physical problem involving SIZE and HEAT ....

If you saw the size of my 7990 in my PC and the enormous amount of heat it generates, it would tell you everything you needed to know...

We always try and discourage serious gamers from buying a lappy, even though PCs are cheaper...

All the best Brett :)

Ok, thanks for all the feedback. I really appreciate it.