Question P775tm1-g Clevo laptop memory upgrade

Apr 29, 2024

I have P775tm1-g Clevo laptop

I have decided to upgrade my laptop from 2x16GB to 2x32GB. I have tried following memory:
RAM Configuration DDR4 3200MT/s / 22-22-22-52 / 1.200V
Crucial Technology / CT32G4SFD832A.C16FF / E9E1509E
Crucial Technology / CT32G4SFD832A.C16FF / E9E14AA3
RAM Configuration DDR4 3200MT/s / 22-22-22-52 / 1.200V
Vendor Part Info Samsung / M471A4G43AB1-CWE / 041F1FCA
Vendor Part Info Samsung / M471A4G43AB1-CWE / 041F1FCA
(Adamanta brand)

The memory is failed MemTest86 V10.7 (attached).

Does Clevo P775tm1-g support 2x32 GB memory? 2x16GB Crucial planks pass the test without issues.
Officially, 64GB is the maximum, as previously stated.

You can certainly try upping to 128GB. But there is no guarantee it will work.

How did you check the current memory would be compatible?

Laptops can be very picky in terms of speed and latency settings.
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COLGeek, thank you for your reply. From what I could gather that I need to upgrade BIOS first, from my current version of 1.07.15 other people have installed 128 GB but I am aiming at 2x32 GB instead of 4x16 GB. Hence looking if somebody already done it (people who did it are on the other forums and the posts are dated - no longer there).​