[citation][nom]DriversToHell[/nom]Just you never try and play a game on a Toshiba Laptop that uses Intel Ivy Bridge, Sandy Bridge, or that first generation Intel HD graphics. Toshiba will customize the Intel HD graphics drivers, and you will not be able to update your Intel HD graphics Drivers at the Intel HD graphics driver web update page! Intel can not update OEM customized Intel HD graphics drivers. The people at Toshiba will never update their Intel customized HD graphics drivers, leaving Toshiba owners up the river without any Intel HD graphics drivers. HAPPY GAMING! AT 8K, 4K, or ANY K on a Toshiba laptop with Intel HD graphics![/citation]
Easy fix: Uninstall the Tosh drivers and install the drivers from the manufacturer.
The greater issue here is gaming on Intel graphics, it has come a long way, but they are still behind everyone else, and are really only meant for casual games.