Phones And Phones...


Oct 15, 2012
It's been ELEVEN years since my mother's replaced her phone. Back then, it wasn't exactly the top of the range either. I'm looking to get her a new one, but I can't talk her into choosing one.

She says "they're all the same", which I know for a fact they aren't.

I don't exactly know much about the mobile phones either, usually using a land line or borrowing a mate's, so all my argument is that "it's a better phone."

She'd never spend more than fifty on it, and I don't think she'd need to. She rarely calls people, doesn't play any games on it, and barely touches it unless she has to call someone. The main problem is that even turned off the thing seems to go dead in less than a day.

Don't know if this is the right place, but if anyone has any suggestions or technobabble I could use on her I'd finally be able to convince her to get rid of that ancient phone and probably make us a lot more happy. Me for being able to call her without the phone being turned off to save power, and her for not having a dead phone should her car break down.
Since it is 11 years old, the battery is the real issue as to why the phone does so quickly. Lithium-Ion batteries do not last that long. It seems many phone batteries starts loosing it's capacity after 2 or 3 years. Sooner if it is always plugged in for charging.

Since your mom rarely uses a phone, I think it is best to by a prepaid phone. You simply need to buy the phone and then buy minutes. I recommend looking into AT&T Wireless because minutes are as low as $0.10 per minutes as opposed to $0.25 per minute for Verizon Wireless; at least in my area.

The minutes on a $25/$50 GoPhone card will last 90 days. Buying $100 GoPhone card in AT&T stores should mean that those $100 with of minutes lasts up to one year. Simply walk into your nearest AT&T store and speak with a rep.