My mom has a Samsung Galaxy S6, & she is trying to play her Angry Birds game. Yet EVERY time she double clicks the Angry Birds Icon to open it, it acts like its going to launch, but, a notification pops up & says that the SCREEN OVERLAY needs to BE TURNED OFF!! sounds pretty easy, right? **WRONG** It's been nothing but easy. I absolutley, positively can NOT find where & how to turn it off!! Can someone PLEASE help me. ....... Thank You..:lol:
Unfortunately, everything I have found on changing this option all involve rooting the phone. Not something I would recommend. However, should you wish to get more information on rooting it, please post in the "Rooting, Jailbreaking & Unlocking" Forum http/
MERGED QUESTION Question from mrssineedalotofhelp : "WhizTouch, what is it?"
mrssineedalotofhelp :
What in the world is WhizTouch?? I was reading about the whole screen overlay thing, ...I need to know if TouchWhiz affects the screen overlay, & really what does tat application doe exactly?!?!?