please help. my phone does not switch on!


May 15, 2013
my samsung galaxy s2 died completely. it was not charged. so i tried charging it, it did not charge properly, i used 3 different chargers i think theres something wrong with the charging port. so then i tried charging the battery because i was that desperate to use my phone! i found a video on youtube on how to charge battery without charger, it was just to use the wire and leave it for about an hour or so, and it did. Thats when the phone did switch on. it was working completely fine, i was able to send messages for a couple of minutes, but at the top of the screen it did not show it was charging, it was empty, and then all of a sudden screen went blank! and i pressed the power button again it came onto the bit where it shows the 'S' logo and then went off again. and then it kept on coming on and off by itself a couple of mins. it did not switch on properly, fully. now it dont come on at all! do i need to change my battery or something???
You should NEVER use random charges for things like Cell phones, Laptops etc. I know I know... It worked with this phone or that phone and all my friends do it. It's bad mojo. Ive seen more laptops ruined and phones ruined from cheap walmart chargers than anything else. They do not all use the same voltage and if you pay attention to electronics you'll notice they have a very low tolerance when it comes to voltages.

Was this the root issue for your phone? Probably not. Just wanted to give a heads up.

I agree with the above advice. You need to call samsung and or the service provider for that phone.
What you described with the battery and a wire, is called trickle charging. It's very, very dangerous as you can overcharge the battery which can lead to an explosion and a fire. Don't do that, if not for your own safety, for our peace of mind.

It definitely does sound like an issue with the charging port to me. Most likely a broken connection between the port and the phone itself.

Does it recognize a USB connection if you plug it into a computer?