Did your favorite pokemon get its butt kicked by a seemingly weaker pokemon during a gym battle? Did the words, "super effective!" or "not very effective" pop up? What does this mean?
If you're not new to the world of Pokemon, you know that each pokemon fits into a "type" category. For example, Pikachu is an electric type pokemon. The three starter pokemon of every pokemon game are: grass, fire and water. Each type is strong against another, but also has a weakness. Think of it like a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Fire beats grass, grass beats water, water beats fire. But it doesn't stop there! There are 18 different pokemon types - Normal, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Grass, Water, Electric, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Dark and Fairy!
Once you learn to utilize type strengths and weaknesses, you can start taking down gyms in no time!
Step one: Find out what type the pokemon is
In Pokemon Go, you can find out your pokemon's information by clicking on the pokeball at the bottom of the screen and selecting "Pokemon". From here, select the pokemon you want to know more about.
As of right now, the only way of finding out the type of a pokemon that is posted in a gym is to look it up - either in your own pokedex, a friend's or online.
Some pokemon will have two types. Jynx, for example is Ice/Psychic. Be sure to keep this in mind for the next step.
Step two: Move types
Now, while looking at your pokemon's stats, you'll notice it has two moves. A standard move and a Special move. Each move has its own type as well. This is something you're going to want to consider when chosing a pokemon to take on a gym.
Another thing to remember is STAB - which stands for Same Type Attack Bonus. This means a pokemon using an attack of the same type will gain a small bonus to that attack. For example, a Hitmonlee (fighting) using a Fighting type move will do more damage than a Magmar (fire) using that move.
There is no way of knowing what attacks a gym pokemon will use, but if you choose your attacking pokemon with the defender's type in mind, you stand a good chance.
Not all pokemon have the same moves! Choose wisely, trainer.
Step three: Weaknesses:
Now that you've looked at pokemon and move types, it's time to figure out the weaknesses.
Some weaknesses are pretty straight forward, such as water > fire, fire > grass, electric > water etc.
Here's a handy chart that lists type strengths and weaknesses.

Looking for more guides on Pokemon Go? Check out our guide on how to evolve an eevee, or 15 tips for playing Pokemon Go, or how about our guide on quickly leveling up?
If you're not new to the world of Pokemon, you know that each pokemon fits into a "type" category. For example, Pikachu is an electric type pokemon. The three starter pokemon of every pokemon game are: grass, fire and water. Each type is strong against another, but also has a weakness. Think of it like a game of Rock, Paper, Scissors. Fire beats grass, grass beats water, water beats fire. But it doesn't stop there! There are 18 different pokemon types - Normal, Fighting, Flying, Poison, Ground, Rock, Bug, Ghost, Steel, Fire, Grass, Water, Electric, Psychic, Ice, Dragon, Dark and Fairy!
Once you learn to utilize type strengths and weaknesses, you can start taking down gyms in no time!
Step one: Find out what type the pokemon is

In Pokemon Go, you can find out your pokemon's information by clicking on the pokeball at the bottom of the screen and selecting "Pokemon". From here, select the pokemon you want to know more about.
As of right now, the only way of finding out the type of a pokemon that is posted in a gym is to look it up - either in your own pokedex, a friend's or online.
Some pokemon will have two types. Jynx, for example is Ice/Psychic. Be sure to keep this in mind for the next step.
Step two: Move types

Now, while looking at your pokemon's stats, you'll notice it has two moves. A standard move and a Special move. Each move has its own type as well. This is something you're going to want to consider when chosing a pokemon to take on a gym.
Another thing to remember is STAB - which stands for Same Type Attack Bonus. This means a pokemon using an attack of the same type will gain a small bonus to that attack. For example, a Hitmonlee (fighting) using a Fighting type move will do more damage than a Magmar (fire) using that move.
There is no way of knowing what attacks a gym pokemon will use, but if you choose your attacking pokemon with the defender's type in mind, you stand a good chance.
Not all pokemon have the same moves! Choose wisely, trainer.
Step three: Weaknesses:
Now that you've looked at pokemon and move types, it's time to figure out the weaknesses.
Some weaknesses are pretty straight forward, such as water > fire, fire > grass, electric > water etc.
Here's a handy chart that lists type strengths and weaknesses.
Looking for more guides on Pokemon Go? Check out our guide on how to evolve an eevee, or 15 tips for playing Pokemon Go, or how about our guide on quickly leveling up?