S Samantha1404 Sep 30, 2020 1 0 10 Sep 30, 2020 #1 My Polaroid P49FN0038K 49 Inch Full Smart TV has randomly disconnected from the WIFI. When Im doing a WIFI search on the TV its not finding anything. Can ideas how I can sort this? thanks
My Polaroid P49FN0038K 49 Inch Full Smart TV has randomly disconnected from the WIFI. When Im doing a WIFI search on the TV its not finding anything. Can ideas how I can sort this? thanks
Solution helpstar Sep 30, 2020 update the Firmware by USB temporarily connect it by an ethernet cable your wifi might not be strong enough, try a repeater
update the Firmware by USB temporarily connect it by an ethernet cable your wifi might not be strong enough, try a repeater
helpstar Judicious Dec 25, 2012 3,508 145 36,190 Sep 30, 2020 Solution #2 update the Firmware by USB temporarily connect it by an ethernet cable your wifi might not be strong enough, try a repeater Upvote 0 Downvote Solution
update the Firmware by USB temporarily connect it by an ethernet cable your wifi might not be strong enough, try a repeater