Por favor, le suplico ayudarme a reinstalar windows 7 en mi computador. Actualmente tengo windouw 10.


Feb 16, 2016
Actualmente mi PC tiene instalado Windows 10, pero tengo varios problemas con este sistema operativo: no funciona reprodución de discos CD, ni reproduce películas, cunado tenia instalado Windows 7, funcionaba a la perfección, ruego a ustedes ayudarme a reinstalar Windows7.
English translation:

"Currently my PC has installed Windows 10, but I have several problems with this operating system: no operating reproduction of CDs, films or plays, brother in law had installed Windows 7, it worked perfectly, I pray you help me reinstall Windows7".
English translation:

"Currently my PC has installed Windows 10, but I have several problems with this operating system: no operating reproduction of CDs, films or plays, brother in law had installed Windows 7, it worked perfectly, I pray you help me reinstall Windows7".