Presario C700 BSOD problem

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Nov 3, 2010
My Compaq Intel Pentium Dual-Core Presario C7000 laptop keeps getting bsod at randoms time throughtout the day. Its extremely frustrating because its started doing it a lot receantly, and especially during my online college courses this can be extremely frustrating (as it takes about 20 min before I can finally get back into the class). Today, it bsod twice within a 20 minute time frame (bsod, rebooted, then it did it again) during one of my courses. I'm tired of it doing this and constantly slowing to the unbearable points for no reason.
I've used several registry scanners (discovering 346 errors alone using Microsofts Registry Scanner/Cleaner), but I can't clean them up due to costs of these products (you can download them to scan, but you can't even clean without paying $30? Not very helpful for a free trial). I told my family about it, and they, aftering contacting a computer wiz friend of ours, suggested I put Norton on my computer to fix it!
Is there an alternative to this choice? I can't go out and buy a new laptop, and I need to get this problem addressed soon (preferably without the horror that is Norton). What should I do?
Try Glary Utilities or CCleaner out, as they are free registry cleaners. Do you recall what messages you are getting on the blue screens?

Not directly offhand. When it comes up again, I'll be sure to get it (bsod only seems to last until "external memory is dumped" which takes about 4-5 sec, then it disappears and the system reboots).
I would ignore online scanners which claim your system is infested with malware/viruses/registry issues and demand cash to fix them -- they are a scam.

Certainly download genuinely free and known to be ethical/effective products like Avast or AVG, SuperAntiSpyware or Malwarebytes -- and a registry/trash cleaner program such as EasyCleaner or Ccleaner.

Also check the small hatch under your computer (or sometimes under keyboard) which contains memory. If two units are present, remove one and see if problems disappear. If not remove the other and put back the original and repeat. If this cures issues you may have a faulty memory module.

Other possible causes, heat. Put the computer on a metal plate or buy a cooler-base.

Norton is not the quite the hog it used to be (doubtless after it became the butt of jokes about being worse than a virus) but there's no need to spend money on such products, let alone have to pay annually.
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