K klwmom Honorable Apr 2, 2012 1 0 10,510 Apr 3, 2012 #1 Hello, I want to set up a web cam for adult veiwing and charge anyone who wants to watch
N notToooooBright Honorable Apr 2, 2012 1 0 10,510 Apr 3, 2012 #2 klwmom : Hello, I want to set up a web cam for adult veiwing and charge anyone who wants to watch Why would anyone pay for something they can get for free? Upvote 0 Downvote
klwmom : Hello, I want to set up a web cam for adult veiwing and charge anyone who wants to watch Why would anyone pay for something they can get for free?
B Brett928S2 Splendid Jan 3, 2012 3,765 2 24,810 Apr 3, 2012 #4 Hi Lol..I wonder if he realises there are LOTS of adult web cams for FREE on the net....(or so I am told he says hastily) lol All the best Brett Upvote 0 Downvote
Hi Lol..I wonder if he realises there are LOTS of adult web cams for FREE on the net....(or so I am told he says hastily) lol All the best Brett