Solved! Problem with a Qosmio laptop

Nov 21, 2020
Hi guys,
I have a problem with an old qosmio laptop. It was overheating so i opened it up and cleaned all the dust inside. When it assembled it back, it doesn't power up. The laptop doesn't have a battery so it must be constantly plugged in. When i plug it in the battery led lightnens up but when i press the power button it turns off and nothing happens. Any ideas what can be wrong?
Did you use anti-static (ESD) precautions? Did you use a brush? Laptops are full of sensitive parts and it is not uncommon to zap something. I see your exact situation a lot when proper precautions are not taken.

A more likely scenario is that something is not properly connected or a connector or cable has been damaged.
Nov 21, 2020
I've assembled computers in the past without any problems so i have a little experience.
I made sure everything is connected properly, thats why it took me by surprise.
Ram, video card , everything sits alright. I'm gonna check the connectors again hoping i didnt do any damage.
Did you use anti-static (ESD) precautions? Did you use a brush? Laptops are full of sensitive parts and it is not uncommon to zap something. I see your exact situation a lot when proper precautions are not taken.

A more likely scenario is that something is not properly connected or a connector or cable has been damaged.