Problem with earbuds


Apr 10, 2014

I just recieved some generic earbuds that I bought for €2.
Since my other earbuds were missing I thougt that it would be a good idea. But theres a annoying problem with them. When I plug them in my Galaxy S5, I hear the music as if the cables in the earbuds aren't connecting well (you know, that no bass, echoey sound).
But when I plug it in my Galaxy S1, they sound great! The echoey no bassy sound is gone. The phones have the same settings and the S5 works normal on any other pair of headphones. Just not this. Can someone please help me??

I tried several diffrent headphones and they all sound great on the S5. So no problem there.
I tried pushing the jack pin in deeper and the earphones worked like normal. I let go of the jack pin and the headphones sound terrible like before. So I think the jack pin is too short. Any help for that??