Solved! Problem with Laptop HDMI port

Sep 4, 2018
Alright, i usually don't go and create a question in a forum for an answer, but i feel like i need to with this one. Im running a Toshiba laptop, its fairly old, but it does the job. Anyway, i had my tv connected to it via hdmi, and i was playing Crawl. The battery on this laptop is broken, so it has to be plugged in otherwise it goes into low power mode and turns off after half an hour. Anyway, the laptop suddenly turned off, and the tv said no signal. It was instant, like a power surge or something. It took about 20 minutes for it to turn on again, i know because i tried repeatedly. Once it finally did turn back on, i went to play some games again after some time and checking. I started up Worms Ultimate Mayhem, but once it turned on, the tv the laptop was connected to started flickering, and the audio would come out of the laptop, but only if i started it in fullscreen mode. The same thing happened to rocket league, once again only in fullscreen mode. Ive tried other cables and other tvs, but it continues to do it. Im wondering if ive damaged the hdmi port or something has burnt out on the motherboard since that power surge like event. If i disconnect and reconnect the cable whilst the game is loaded, the video corrects itself and stops flickering on the tv, but the audio continues to come out of the laptop. Help would be severely appreciated, and ill do my best to provide any other information that you request of me.

Edit: It seems to only do this when the games first go into fullscreen. Rocket league goes black before entering fullscreen as most other games usually do, then starts to flicker, but then corrects itself. Worms doesnt however, i want to play it in fullscreen but even when i pull the hdmi out and back in, the picture is fine but the audio refuses to play out of the tv. Windowed mode is fine, but i cant move the window around. A cheap workaround would be great if someone could figure it out, or how to make a fake fullscreen so it looks fullscreen but doesnt have to refresh so the tv moniter flickers.

For laptops, you should use the laptop vendor video drivers not the ones from the video chip vendor. That's why I said several times to use the Toshiba drivers, and yes you would want to run both the Intel and...

What would the hdmi port be labelled as and what section would it be under in device manager? Is it possible the surge corrupted the drivers? Why does it only become problematic in fullscreen? Thankyou for your response.
The port itself would not be in device manager, the video card would be. Is the issue only in games or when you use it with an external screen for anything? That surge may not have been from a power issue when it shut off but from a hardware issue like the video card failing. If you have any other video outputs on the system try those. Does it work OK on the laptop screen in games or do those also crash or have video issues?

Thanks, unfortunately i have no other outputs to test it on, but i have recently found that it only happens when connected to an external screen, and when the external screen needs to turn off for a split-second to adjust itself to fullscreen. However, if i make the external screen the only display, this error completely goes out the window, as in, it no longer becomes a problem. Games are really the only thing that i use that go into fullscreen, and thats apparently the only problem so far. I feel as if the laptop no longer has the ability to run at or maintain 60Hz on 2 screens at a time, either due to, as you said, the video card, or my hdmi port. However, there isnt any sound from my tv at the time of fullscreen either when im using both displays, im unsure if this would still stem from a video card issue, possibly if video fails audio is cut out too? Right now i have a temporary fix, but im still struggling to work this out. Thankyou for your efforts so far. I updated the drivers to no effect.
The audio is coming through the HDMI post also, so if there is an issue with the port or video card then you may see audio issues. Did you run the drivers from Toshiba website? Not really sure where to check on for this, check on Toshiba support forums or FAQs for your model see if this is an issue others had.

I primarily use a nvidia graphics card as my main display adapter, which i updated from the nvidia website. I havent yet tried to update my intel graphics as of yet, so i'll try that and see what happens.

For laptops, you should use the laptop vendor video drivers not the ones from the video chip vendor. That's why I said several times to use the Toshiba drivers, and yes you would want to run both the Intel and the nVidia driver setups. There is probably a not on nVidia's site that the laptop drivers are only supported by the laptop vendor.

Alright i'll check the Toshiba site and check theit drivers. I recently tried to update the intel graphics manually and with intels driver support but it said it was already fully updated. However, I'll try on Toshiba's site, and see what i can find