Ps 4 + usual laptop vs gaming laptop

I've never buy a console games since ps2 . Because I heard Ps3 and xbox360 have "less" graphics than pc. And suddenly 20 Feb 2013 Sony announce it's Ps 4. And it looks like Ps4 now seems cheaper than a gaming desktop pc and more powerful. I just want to heard your opinion(i'm a student that need to do school task and gaming. What's your opinions?
Consoles are always weaker in terms of power CPU/GPU compared to PC's even at launch. They are made with more of a budget and built/designed over a period of time so by the time they are released even if they used the best available components it won't be at launch.

What you get shouldn't be determined by this. What you get should be determined what you want to game on a Console or PC. PC's have an advantage of cheaper games due to steam sales especially around christmas where you can buy entire companies catalogs for around the same price as 1 console game give or take $20-30. But have the downside of higher upfront cost for the PC generally (highly recommend spending at least $700-800 on building a tower so you have something that lasts, $1200 get you something high end). But you make up for it on cheap titles if your patient as mentioned by steam sales and other sales throughout the year. Other downside is you have to make sure you have enough HD space for the games and computer can run it.

With consoles it's gaming made simple if it's made for the console it will run on it no questions asked. You can sale games, though typically if you go the gamestop route it's not worth it in my opinion with how little they give you. Where as with PC you don't have this option.

All these things you probably know about. With me I am personally a PC gamer I bought a Nintendo Wii and slightly regret doing so as I was unimpressed by some of the games for it and it just doesn't hold my attention. So I stick with PC gaming as it's cheaper for me as I would end up building a decent PC anyway to do all the things I do on it anyway. So all I need to do is buy games, which I don't do often anyway as I don't game as much as I used to. It's typically $100-200 a year on games now and most of them I haven't played yet as I typically buy a companies game catalogs on steam just to get 1 or 2 games I like on it and the rest are just there if I get bored. So thats usually around 40+ games I get easily compared to 2-3 console games if I bought new (unfair comparison but still gets the point across, prices for console games don't drop all that fast compared to steam sales).

So with me between those options I would go with the gaming laptop. Though having went the gaming laptop route, I'd rather go with a budget tower PC build and a cheap laptop as I had too many problems with the gaming laptop. Heating issues, Dell not repairing the laptop under warrenty, games not supporting my GPU, etc.