[citation][nom]Blessedman[/nom]Honestly Dave you missed one important fact, that the ps3 primary function was as a game console.Should you not also heed your own advice? And Not trying to run an OS in a memory footprint that it won't fit?[/citation]
You're right that the shortcoming is less of a problem for games, but it's probably going to complicate (at least) Cell use for Developers - so it does impact gaming (somewhat). The main reason it Irks me is because the fundamentals are there for the PS3 to be a fairly competent PC, and the cost difference between 256 and 1g of ram (even back then) would not have impacted final system cost by more than 20 bucks (and would have given them another marketing tool).
It's like that new high end Apple super-system with 8 processors, gobs of memory and a crappy $60 graphics card... why go top shelf everywhere else then cheap out in a way that has a significant impact on the system? I just don't get it.