Purple/pink pixels appear in dark areas


Mar 11, 2013
Philips 50PF9966/12
TV has started to show dark pink/purple pixels more and more often. They mostly show up after there has been something dark on the screen previously.
Screenshots: http://i.imgur.com/M9QcVMQ.jpg
Screenshots were taken while the screen was paused. After unpausing, the dark spots that made up riders bodies were clearly seen for some time: http://i.imgur.com/t15PCCI.jpg

The dark pixels are not static (not a permanent burn-in) and can disappear or appear on different screens. Can this be fixed by adjusting the Vs or Va at the back panel? Is there any other way?
Just an update in case anyone stumbles here with a similar problem:

I opened the back panel and adjusted the voltage (Va or Vs or whatever). It's been a long time, but it has worked ever since.