Quad core 2-in-1 or w/360 degree hinge? Other options? Laptop form filled out


Sep 4, 2011

I'm in the process of looking for a replacement for my 17" HP Envy laptop. What I'd love is a 13"-15" touchscreen either 2-in-1 or 360 degree hinge style quad core laptop. However, I can't seem to find this. I'm beginning to think it doesn't exist and I just don't understand understand that. I must be missing a key element of understanding why these features don't seem to go together.

If love to hear any thoughts on why I can't seem to find this combination and which of these elements is seemingly incompatible with the others. I'd also love to hear your thoughts on what I can reasonably expect from the compromises I'll have to make. For instance, how much performance will I expect lose if I drop to a dual core i7 from the the quad core i7 (4800MQ @2.7GHz) I have now? Or a current model quad core i5 from my i7? My other constraint is budget. I don't expect to find what I'm looking for at the lowest end of laptop prices. However, I can't manage the highest end prices either.

Really looking forward to hearing your thoughts and learning from your expertise. I've completed the laptop purchasing questionnaire form below. Please let me know if you need additional info. Thanks so much!

1. What is your budget? 
Preferably $700-$1200 (but I may be able to go a bit higher if it offered everything I was looking for)

2. What is the size of the notebook that you are considering? 
Not entirely sure. I have severe chronic pain issues and dislocations. My current 17" is too heavy without giving much benefit in return for its larger size as I had originally hoped - such as less strain from the keyboard (I had hoped a larger laptop would give more relaxed keyboard spacing and therefore less pain). I'm considering 13"-15" but could be swayed if a particular device was lighter than what I have now. (Current laptop is 16.75"x10.9"x1.5" and 7.5lbs.)

3. What screen resolution do you want? 
Minimum full HD 1080p touch screen. 2K or 4 K would be lovely.

4. Do you need a portable or desktop replacement laptop? 
Happy medium. I want something lighter and smaller than my 3 year-old HP Envy 17 but I still need decent power under the hood.

5. How much battery life do you need? 
I'd consider most anything with 4-5 hours min but more is always better.

6. Do you want to play games with your laptop? If so then please list the games that you want to with the settings that you want for these games. (Low,Medium or High)? 
Not a big gamer at this point.

7. What other tasks do you want to do with your laptop? (Photo/Video editing, etc.) 
I do both photo and video editing (I've done some relatively basic stuff and other more complex projects using Vegas as well as DVD authoring). I've been doing less of the video editing the last year or so and but I hope to be doing more for some YouTube type projects. I also do a fair bit of PDF editing as well as some audio editing (Audible). I'm likely going to add some music creation and MIDI. I've done some artwork on my tablet and would like to expand that to the laptop. I also use my laptop for fairly standard media consumption (steaming YouTube, Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Acorn video, Google Play Music All Access streaming, reading Google Play and Kindle books, Zinio magazines, etc). And, of course, basic usage such as email, messaging, notes, documents, web browsing, research, etc. I am doing a fair amount of wireless scanning as we're transitioning to paperless and this will be the machine used for lots of paper conversion. High internet use including IoT.

8. How much storage (Hard Drive capacity) do you need? 
Currently have 240gb SSD. I don't think I'd do well with less. Larger would be a bonus but I can also use external/network HDD.

9. If you are considering specific sites to buy from, please post their links.
None at this point.

10. How long do you want to keep your laptop?
I'd like to be able to be fairly future proof for a couple of years and plan to keep the laptop for 2-3 years minimum.

11. What kind of Optical drive do you need? DVD ROM/Writer,Bluray ROM/Writer,Etc ?
Not necessary. I can use an external optical drive if needed.

12. Please tell us about the brands that you prefer to buy from them and the brands that you don't like and explain the reasons. 
I'm not strongly particular to any brand - for or against. I've owned several brands over the years. Currently HP. Not my favorite brand but they had an affordable option with the specs I needed and it's been OK. I have had good experiences with Acer and also quite positive with Dell. If consider most any brand if it offered good source and value.

13. What country do you live in? 

14. Please tell us any additional information if needed.
I seem to push my devices relatively hard (judging by the memory use, CPU load, lags and slowdowns - which are frequent). I take excellent care of everything but I use loads of tabs and many programs simultaneously. Normal use had 50-80+ tabs going and probably 10 different software apps (not including background programs). I've been using a Windows 10 Pro and my mobile devices are Android. I also like Chromebooks and love some of the new things coming along that will allow using Windows programs on Chromebooks. I used to use Linux but there are a couple of programs that I've not been able to replicate so I'm back to currently being stuck with Windows. We don't use Mac or iOS. USB-C/Thunderbolt would be nice but not a dealbreaker either way. Definitely need USB 3 for external HDD. Would prefer a video out/HDMI and media card reader. Dual band wireless with mu-mimo would be great.

This is abit late, but recently i find my self in the same boat looking for system that fit in similar kind of requirement as yours. Have you taken a look at Vaio Z Canvas. Even though its Old tablet and using 4 gen i7. Its the only tablet with full Quad Core CPU.

Read about it and watch some reviews and comparison reviews. See if its some thing that may work for you.

Personally only thing that held me back from picking up that tablet is, if Vaio will come out with 6gen i7 version for that tablet.

Also Vaio no longer belongs to Sony.
This is abit late, but recently i find my self in the same boat looking for system that fit in similar kind of requirement as yours. Have you taken a look at Vaio Z Canvas. Even though its Old tablet and using 4 gen i7. Its the only tablet with full Quad Core CPU.

Read about it and watch some reviews and comparison reviews. See if its some thing that may work for you.

Personally only thing that held me back from picking up that tablet is, if Vaio will come out with 6gen i7 version for that tablet.

Also Vaio no longer belongs to Sony.