I want to buy acer 5755 with either GT540 or GT630 graphic card.
is this right that GT630 and GT540 have exactly same hardware? someone told me in fact they both have same hardware and the difference is only in their driver, if we install GT630 driver for that, it will become GT630 and if we install 540 then you will have GT540, is it true? I'm not sure about this and couldn't find answer anywhere.
and my second question is: I know 630 is considered a little better than 540 but in games performance it seems 540 gets a little better grades and has higher results, am I right?
I want to buy acer 5755 with either GT540 or GT630 graphic card.
is this right that GT630 and GT540 have exactly same hardware? someone told me in fact they both have same hardware and the difference is only in their driver, if we install GT630 driver for that, it will become GT630 and if we install 540 then you will have GT540, is it true? I'm not sure about this and couldn't find answer anywhere.
and my second question is: I know 630 is considered a little better than 540 but in games performance it seems 540 gets a little better grades and has higher results, am I right?