Question Question about if an older model laptop with upgraded parts will work as well for video editing

Mar 22, 2024
My laptop (Lenovo yoga 7i 16GB RAM) was recently destroyed from water damage. I took it to a pc repair shop to see if they could save all of my files and work that was on it. I'll be using the laptop for video editing, I've experimented with 8 GB RAM it didn't cut it. 16 GB RAM works much better for what I need to do.
Since I need a new laptop with similar specs as the old one but for a bit cheaper they gave the option of using an older model with upgraded parts. (yoga 2 pro 20266) They are saying that it will work as good as my original laptop but I'm worried since its a model over 10 years old that it'll be slower and not be able to handle the workload/software I need to use. If it can't I don't think it's worth what they want to charge me. Will the older model be substantially slower? Or does it not matter since the parts are upgraded?
Models: Lenovo yoga 7i, yoga 2 pro 20266
The only parts you can really "upgrade" on a laptop is the RAM and drive.

Moving from 8GB to 16GB is a good start.

Changing from and HDD to SATA SSD is another good move.

What are the actual specs of these systems?
SAVE YOUR MONEY! Don't buy ANY laptop that does not exceed your current needs now, it will only get worse with time. My advice, keep that piggy bank in one piece and keep feeding it until you have enough to get what you really want. Computer speeds keep improving and what was expensive last year is on a fire sale this year.