Solved! Questions for anyone with Asus G51vx-rx05


Oct 1, 2005
Yesterday I purchased this laptop from Bestbuy and today I have the following questions that hopefully someone can help me with:

1. Next to the power button is a button that looks like a circle with a lightning bolt at the top of it. What does that button do? I have tried pressing it and hold it down but nothing happens. I check the owners manual but unless something was left out of my box, the manual really only shows how to power on the laptop. I called support and they didn't know either, they said to reinstall everything, which doesn't make sense to me.

2. Is it possible to upgrade the CPU if I wanted to? I'm not sure I want to right now, but it is the 2.0 dual core and I was thinking that maybe a quad core would be nice but I want to wait and see how things run before making up my mind. If I do want to upgrade and it is possible, which CPUs are supported?

3. Is overclocking done from the bios?
That is the G51VX-A1,a very different laptop that uses diffrent BIOS.
Also you can also upgrade to a higher speed dual core,as unless you are doing video editing,you will not see any better performance from a quad.
While I do not own the G51,I am giving my looks at getting one,Im the kind that will obsess over a purchase for a month or so,looking at every detail and ensuring that it is a good choice.
(I'll get it on and save about 40-50$ due to tax)


1,I bet cha if you turned the laptop off with the lid open that buttion will glow..I bet you if pressed it,you would then call up asus and praise them.
I think you will soon understand why they added that feature.

2 Yes, it is socket P,but quad core CPU's are not supported by the bios currently,plus unless you are doing video encodeing,the whole quad core thing is hype,Shoot for an T9550 or T9800.

3 Yes,but if I were you I would just buy the new CPU and have a expert install it,far better capabilities and way less risky.
I've been using this laptop for about a week now if you guys have any questions. The only game I've played on it so far is world of warcraft and with all settings at ultra/maxed the game is smooth as hell.

There is a lot heat output from the side but I can live with that.

The only other thing I'd note is that the wireless connection kept timing out for like 5-10 secs, every 10-60 minutes. I was able to stop this by replacing my wireless G linksys router with a Belkin wireless N router.

Oh and I'm pretty sure it does support quad core CPUs, here is one on ebay that has a Quad in it:

However, I checked the prices of CPUs and they are almost as much as the laptop! Being that I haven't had any speed issues so far I think I'm going to just keep it the way it is for now.

That is the G51VX-A1,a very different laptop that uses diffrent BIOS.
Also you can also upgrade to a higher speed dual core,as unless you are doing video editing,you will not see any better performance from a quad.
Hi spikesnet, the button you mention is 8 sec boot up (instant online express gate), when you notebook is off, you can use this button to log in the express gate and doing skype and something else which include inside the express gate. Hope it help.