Rating on this laptop?

No. x50 versions are meant not for gaming but for casual low end and mainly to perform if your watching videos or other 'light' duties.
Gaming rated versions are always x60, x70, and x80, each being a step better than the previous model. In laptops M models are actually HALF the performance of the Desktop model, so a 950M performs like a Desktop 850, for example.

The best actual NUMBERS is here http://www.notebookcheck.net/NVIDIA-GeForce-GTX-950M.138026.0.html and you can see the different games and how they actually performed. For any 'current' (2015 titles) you would have to play on LARGE screen sizes (1024x768 to 1366x768) and on LOW to Medium graphics. IMHO that is a WASTE of $800 for that crappy performance.

Gaming PORTABLE systems are NO LESS THAN $1500 usually $2000+ in order to not eat the battery in 15min, literally melt down and catch fire, not weigh over 12Lbs and be able to 'fit' int that custom design layout for that laptop model / maker.

I would suggest for 'school work' simple grab a $249 Walmart Laptop, does the jobs nicely, then dump $200-300 into a PS4 and you can at least play GTA V @ 1080P 30FPS. Otherwise save up the money to pay for a proper Gaming Laptop.

OHHH And do note: LAPTOPS ARE NOT UPGRADEABLE. If your video card / CPU sucks, you need to buy a WHOLE NEW laptop, you cant swap them out like you can on Desktops, as most times they are soldered in and NO not available at 'BestBuy' store shelf to just snatch up, as said they are CUSTOM designed for that make and model, so not just go 'buy a new XYZ and toss it in'.


Jun 26, 2013

Yea understand how it all works, I mainly need a laptop for school work, and gaming in my dorm/home that won't break the bank and is under 1000$ has a good keyboard and is portable, I know that I won't be able to run games at max, I'm just looking for medium to maybe high and possibly ultra, I'm not in the market to buy a pc, I'm searching for a gaming laptop

As I said, they don't 'undersell' how much it costs, as the costs for a portable gaming hardware to design, correctly work, etc. as I laid out costs MORE THAN $1000 to make per laptop, PLUS they want some profit, so your looking at at LEAST $1500. There is no way around that, period, that IS what it costs.

High to ULTRA IS MAXIMUM. If you want to play "like I seen on Youtube", that is HIGH to ULTRA (aka Max) on the $2000 laptops / $1000 desktops that can perform that well (aka 1080p, 50+FPS, smooth play on Ultra to High).
Either lower your expectations (as I showed you real settings and performance) or increase your budget to meet your expectation.

Well as I showed you that will play LOW to Medium BUT you have to drop the screen size all the way down, if you want to play on a gaming laptop under $1000. Otherwise you need to buy a PC. The cost of the hardware is the issue, they don't sell portable gaming video cards capable of your expectations LESS than $500, which is 1/3 the cost of a GAMING LAPTOP. It just is how much they cost and then you want a screen, keyboard, cpu etc with it right? Well there you go, that is additional $1000-2000 for it to be portable.


Jun 20, 2014
Under $1000 your looking at a gtx 960m which is actually fine for light gaming such as cs go, tf2, minecraft, ext but when it comes to bf4 or gta v you will have to lower settings take a look at this chart I found

To add to yours...

And as you can see the 'lowest' costing one, a Clevo is still $1250 before tax and shipping. As I said, gaming portably is very EXPENSIVE if you want to MAX (HIGH to ULTRA) settings and video (1080P).