Razer Carcharias

I thought it didn't matter about the Hardware specs as the sound card is with the headphones and completely separate from the pc? Doesnt he/she just have to have a free USB port?
I have read alot of forums saying that surround in headphones is not good quality...although with something that expensive you would want to hope so...But still many people say just get a good quality stereo headset with bass.
Thats just what Ive read. :)
The razer Carcharias sucks. DO not get these the sound quality really sounds cheap. They can break easy too. Doesnt matter what sound card you have it will still sound like
crap. Might as well get some good usb surround sound headphones.
headphone surround quality is totally the choice of the digital audio processor.
cmss-3d is junk compared to dolby virtual headphones.
both of them would need an improvement to give the consumer market something better.

all you have to do with the virtual sounds is in the time and reverb domain.
they can make the sound appear from anywhere, and any distance audible, from one speaker per side.
that includes above you or below you (not that below would be used much, but some people might choose below to be their special purpose in life)

i can actually think of any movie that would be okay with above or below sound effects.
video games would use this on a daily basis.. especially for footsteps, and then anything in the sky (or some player up in a window above you).

it has already been said, and well known, that the quality is low because nobody is going to get the chance of having a heart attack from too much excitement.
those who would have a heart attack means, there are those who are dieing to hear the better quality.

video games are the best chance the industry has at revealing new quality.
since they have the most intense 3d surround effects in their control.
to hear it is one thing, but to be able to rotate it with a mouse.. that adds a new layer of excitement.

i would think some people have totally quit playing video games, and if the person hasnt jumped on the form of entertainment yet.. the majority already has.
personally, i havent been into the video games much at the start of 3d games.. and i myself am dieing to see new rollouts.

once the audio gets more pinpoint.. like hearing a person walking on the other side of a wall.. the competition is going to be of higher value than politics.

imagine an american team verse a chinese team.. and then see that the american team has chinese players, and the chinese team has american players.
it is definetely 'woah'

the artificial intelligence will be replaced with real human players, as the entire interpol gets ready to record the psychology of it all.
stupid little things like.. would the american in china play any different than the american on the american team?
same thing for the chinese person.
things like timing and aggressive levels.

speaking in terms of psychology and philosophy.. we will never EVER get the chance to do it again, not while it is fresh and before everybody had a chance to adapt and adopt new 'hypnotic methods of life' .. regardless of whether those are conscious or subconscious, the potential is real.

there will be people watching the president, people watching the house and government, people watching soap's on television.. and then people who are watching us play video games to see if a new world war would be true or absurd.

not many people care to think about it..
what can a few grains of salt do to an entire drink ?!!
one drop of dye would change the whole glass of water.
kinda like how your libido can grow.
are you making fun of my post, or how crappy the virtual surround sound is ?

for what it is worth,
to say you have tried virtual surround sound and found out first-hand that what you were presented with was junk.. you are not the only one, and there will be better representations of surround sound from a pair of headphones.

and just remember,
you dont always need a fancy dolby or dts decoder with the headphones to make it work.
some receivers have a virtual surround sound for headphones too.

my receiver is about 9 years old and comes with 'dolby headphones' or whatever it is called.

i was only saying that video games really push the industry more than movies do.
because people who rent movies dont really demand a lot from their surround sound system.
gamers demand accurate audio because it helps them score points.
a gamer might have a surround sound system, but a lot more money goes into getting everything for video games.
so, when they get it all set up and find a problem.. that problem is going to shine bright.

dedicated movie fans might say something like 'oh this movie had decent surround audio.. but this movie really impressed us'
meanwhile, the gamer is throwing their hat off and stomping on it with their feet.. complaining about how bad the audio is and how much better of a person they could be if only the audio was there to help.
i think a gamer would stand in arguement over a dedicated movie fan at any moment.
some of those movies might prove to provide a nice ambient sound, something you would want your 'rain and birds' machine to do when you turn it on and try to get relaxed.
for the most part, the gamer is going to watch movies too.. so i think they have the right's of passage for pushing the audio industry further.

i mean, think about it, even at the lowest points..
a person who wants to play a video game wants the audio to be loud enough to hear better and score more points.
they cant do this all the time, so they go out and buy some headphones.
a $20 pair of headphones from the local stores is only going to begin influencing the person about how bad the audio industry is.
they dont need things like virtual surround to help put out a fire.. but if they take that route, they might have been one of the lucky few to see how bad the audio industry is treating their fans.

there are thousands of people who have come across some of the improvements that can be had.
most of this deals with the receiver's that come with some type of 'room correction' and microphone.
otherwise, it is still the same.. spend a fortune on a pair of good sounding headphones, and then realize you need an amplifier to make them work.

even the rich cant get away from the bad surround sound we have experienced the last 10 years.
no matter how good their speakers are, they arent going to have 3d sound effects because the digital surround sound doesnt allow it.

the new wave of computer hardware for the new dolby and dts surround sound formats should really pave the way and get people up off of their horse with their stingy wallets.
some people just dont care about all of the fancy new toys.
a cellphone is nothing more than a cordless phone, but with greater range.
people have known this to be coming since the 1960's
lots of people had cordless phones in the 1980's and 1990's
and when the television breaks, there is no choice but to get one of the new HD designs.
take away those two and these types of people dont care, and there is nothing left to get shoved into their faces.
maybe more miles per gallon with their vehicle, but that is an option led astray by the tempting design of the vehicle.

once they upgrade the audio.. maybe they can upgrade the special effects of fireworks while they are at it improving things.
for how many centuries have we seen the same explosions with glowing ambers being shoved out into a ball?
no glowing things or smeared light?
To make things simple: no.
Get a pair of headphones by a respected audio company. Sennheiser/Grados/Audio Technica/Beyerdynamic/Ultrasone/JVC etc. Razer/Logitech/Astro/FLAMBOYANT GAMING XTREME BRAND headsets are all junk.


that is valuable information for the original poster, or anybody who is looking for some surround sound headphones.
those brand names are respected, but i dont know how JVC got in there (i didnt know JVC made headphones still.. 1990's maybe)

the problem is, people think those headphones are using speakers from one of the respected audio companies.
i would make the same mistake myself.
to be a realist, you know that the manufacturing cost of the speaker isnt as high as the retail price.
so it doesnt seem far-fetched to use those speakers.
if the company is asking for a mark-up in price from the manufacturing price.. maybe it is because you arent including them with the profits.
maybe you arent including them enough.

i would source the parts and give each part its percentage of worth, based on its function to the product.
taking whatever is left.. unless i specifically said 'hey i am broke and i need some extra money on this next product'
but wise, i would have proof if needed.
so maybe these gamer headsets are there to make a profit, instead of producing something of high quality that actually works.
as bad as it has been for the audio industry as a whole.. these companies should be thankful that they are allowed to show their face in the audio industry.
the audio is getting better and the speakers cant keep up.
they are going to have to give profit where profit is due, and then slap their name on it to keep 'creative' or 'logitech' or 'razer' or 'turtle beach' or whoever on the headphones to keep the business from looking like it is going bankrupt.

imagine if creative stopped doing mp3 players or webcams.
wouldn't we all think 'creative cant afford mp3 players anymore? or are they simply not showing us any love?'
sometimes people will go with a name brand, simply because of trust or respect or bandwagon.
other people will avoid these name brands for those same reasons, but opposite.

any of those companies would be wise to give a high model (high dollar) product a chance to be re-sold with a 'gamer' category tagged onto it with a different brand name, and do it for less money to prospect their product.
because once they finally reveal what the speakers really are, people are gonna be like 'wow.. that company did it'
and when the products are only getting better and better.. people will be back for ANOTHER improvement, perhaps this time for more money to increase their chance that the product is good.
and yes, some people might go back and buy the 'gamer' headphones to save some money.. but that is price-savvy that some people need to survive.
and even then, if the quantity runs out.. the full intention should be to have something better waiting for the customer, while also helping the audio industry improve.
sometimes the whole concept of 'this is just a taste' gets a bit ruined because the demo is junk.
we care that the demo is actually better than it should be, as long as we know how to use it.
people might hold onto their headphones and treat them like their newborn child for 10 years.. before ever learning who really manufactured the speakers inside of 'em.

i think most of those companies (if not all of them) are staying out of the 'slap a *gamer* slogan onto it and sell it to teenagers and college students'
simply because there is no sense adding some appeal to a product that is supposed to sell itself.
brand names DO NOT sell themselves anymore.. doesnt really matter what category it is.
could be televisions or vehicles.. all of them have created junk and made their best products look bad.
with that said, we really really need a taste of what it could be.
for a mild example.. there are some video games that i simply refuse to buy because there was no demo to try out first.
am i really that obnoxious to say 'i dont care if the game runs on different code or a different engine to conceal the retail version' ?
yes i am.. because sometimes we need to get our hands on the graphics quality, and see if it will run good enough on our computers.
then, next - of course, is the programming code accuracy... because nobody wants to play a first person shooter with bullets that refuse to register.

if the product sells itself.. somebody has to try it, and dont expect them to buy it to try it.
we are tired of doing that.
it spoils a brand name, as there was NO HELP from them.. except some fancy pictures and a few paragraphs of begging.
and if the paragraphs werent begging, they were spitting SOME truth.. while teasing and taunting us of what it really could have been.

i think manufacturer's would be surprised to see that when they actually tell the truth, people would return with a fair price to buy the item.
and those that dont give a fair price could easily be held accountable.

they say 'the truth will set you free'
and is it any coincidence the word 'free' deals with money?!
real truth can set you free beyond some people's wildest imaginations.

talking about these 'razor' headphones..
the brand name razor has always been competition to logitech mice.
probably the same parts that are programmed to behave a bit differently.
different designs are always a plus, but sometimes the design you want comes from the wrong brand name.
it is good competition.

so if razor didnt get the speakers from one of the above mentioned brand names.. who did they get it from?
sony.. philips/magnavox.. pioneer.. jbl.. bose.. kicker.. ?
havent heard the headphones, and i know that the sound quality from the speaker isnt everything.
and just because the decoder is dolby or dts.. that doesnt mean the dsp and amplifier is superb.

i just like to think 'the truth will set you free beyond people's wildest imagination'
No offense man but when people ask for an answer i think they just want a quick, yet detailed one....not an essay.
That's just what i reckon anyways. :/
but i dont know how JVC got in there
uh ye i agree with that except for the JVC bit... there just as "bad" as sonys.

Really? The JVC RX700 and RX900 are some of the most widely recommended and appreciated headphone at the sub $60 mark. Generally it goes JVX RX700 > JCV RX900 > SR80i/HD555 > AD700 and then it starts coming down to various options by Sennheiser, Audio Technica, and Beyerdynamic. They're not top contenders in the higher range, but they're probably the best "low-end" headphones out there; some people even prefer them to the AD700s/HD555s.

i always give a detailed answer.

and i stress the freedom of conversation as well.
if you dont want to talk, you shouldnt be at some place that ENCOURAGES communication.

you want a short quick answer and nothing more, expect to pay for it.
to give an essay about it and get nothing in return, doesnt that appear as if the person asking the question doesnt really care much about the subject matter at all?

this is volunteer work.
to complain that the answers are too long, would be hippocritical when complaining that the answers are too short or not detailed enough.
i portray myself as detail oriented, and it should be well enough to bring people back with more questions.. as these essays can only build confidence and disgust the lazy greedy people who want something for free with no intention of saying or giving thanks.

if this forum was going to stress the matter about answers being quick, detailed, and short.. then the forum would be giving life to people who are hyper-active, careless, lazy, greedy, and selfish.

the choice of making a reply short and detailed or long and detailed is a human right.
those choices made help shape a persons psychological and personality profile.

i agree that it appears most people dont care to go into depth about their subject matters that they bring to us.
they should feel lucky that we go into depth about those subject matters.
a majority of questions get answered without any thanks, credit, or conclusion.
the forum has the feature to allow the original poster to choose 'best answer'
but some of us would be happy if the person came back with an ending to the story.

to say that this reply should have been in a PM .. well that would be considered harassment, no different than the harassment you have given me.
and to ask questions while neglecting the helper, that is also harassment (but a well known chance you take).

disrupting the flow of conversation without ethical warrant is always asking for trouble.
the simple game of math boils down to in's and out's .. and who has the rights, compared to who has a license to do otherwise.. and those who walk through life for themselves (not nobody else) .. compared to those who give up their life to get involved with other people's lives.

i find it hard to sue for wasted time as a follower.
taking the lead of your life and not letting it go is quite easier to do, since it is the only thing you own (besides material possessions).

there is a lot more owning and controlling other people's lives going on than the government or the judicial system cares to talk about.. since they use it themselves to bring in money.
because it happens everyday does not make it right or appropriate.
and to have a job that does it with a license does not make it better.
these actions are reserved for prosecution, and a vast majority of the time people are prosecuting while getting a lot wrong in their decision making.
to be blunt honest, you cant prosecute without being a licensed judge.. it is illegal and known as 'impersonating a judge'
does anybody really believe 'impersonating a judge' is for people who setup a court room and pretend to be a judge as they issue tickets and fines, as well as make decisions about small claims or malpractice?
nobody does that .. the documents would be unofficial and if they didnt pay the fine, they would never get into trouble with the government.. but they might get run out of town from an angry mob.
those are matters of oppression and violence without government authorization.
undercover agents in the world are raising flags, at a constant rate, for unauthorized prosecution.
the world is never going to see ethical court with their attitudes and actions of the matter.
and for that, their civil status remains low.

i have reviewed my own case, and can safely say that my answers are on topic.. followed by a subsection that stems from the topic.. and if the second subsection refers to the first subsection, at the very least .. the first subsection was related to the topic.
getting into the fourth and fifth subsection is playing dangerous with the rules.
i put in a lot of time and effort to answer questions with lots of detail.
ethics would state that there is some factor of a scale that should be recognized to cover the tail of my posts.
to take away my human right of the second or third subsection would require the forum be made private with those rules specifically stated (not generalized and later propogated) .. and i would have to agree to those specifics before any harm could come my way.

you might not have asked for this response, but it could do some good for my reference .. as well as note for somebody else.
the world already has rules of conduct, and those rules cannot be re-written or their definitions changed.
i just hope we have enough energy left after the recession to teach people about those rules of conduct.
we cant start cleaning up civilization until people learn and exercise them.
as it currently stands, there are more people asking for prosecution than there are people prosecuting.
i see that as a big concern, and i hope everyday to see the ratio flip.

this is something i know, and it is within my character .. as well as the details i put into my posts.
it would not be far-fetched for someone to see something i posted and request to talk about it further in a PM or instant messenger software.
as it is living and socializing of a leisure event.

although i am fighting to have my free time consumed, i still have that free time.
maybe i meet a friend along the way.
the government is well aware of my situation of loneliness and deprivation.. not that they are taking action to help (or that i would want them to give me a friend).

it is sad that a person only knows so much, and the questions will either be unanswered by me .. or the questions will be repeated.
stretching yourself to your boundaries and learning something new should be what forums help feed.

those things look big and comfortable for my head.
jvc products have never ever been there for me.
i would still give these a listen if it ment better sound than my grado sr60's

i remember a time when we could go to a department store and get decent quality for like $30 - $50
not as good as the $200 products.. but a taste of it for less.
and when things might get stolen, we could really use something that works kinda close for less money.
the responsible person would have a pair of headphones that would cost less to replace if they did get stolen or broken by someone else.
cant live in safety all of the time.

i know that i like my bass.. and i would rather listen to some bass heavy headphones than a bump in midrange quality with no bass.
in the 1990's .. any time i tried a pair of headphones, i would be wondering how much bass they have.
as long as the bass is good like the expensive headphones, i can get by with a snack.
hip hop and techno can really make use of the extra bass.. and some people will quickly realize that the bass is too much for rock.
that is why we have the power of selection.
Again, I listed them for their "lower end" $30-50 models. Many people prefer them to the Senn HD 201/202s, for example.
a flat frequency headphone, is an ideal headphone that should be suited for all music genre.

but such an ideal headphone doesnt exist under then 500 mark. a shame really.
Hah, that's why you get some HD555s, some M50s, and some SR80is!

In all seriousness, I understand what you mean, people generally will need to decide what kind of tastes they have before purchasing a headphone.

I read the first line and the last of this, because its simply too long. And I bet that many people do the same. There is always a way to make things simple and to the point....