Reliable laptop warranties/insurance?

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Sep 18, 2011
Hello tomshardware folks, I recently purchased a MSI GT683r laptop from newegg for school and casual gaming here and there. At the moment, I do not have any warranty other than the manufacturer one included. I am super paranoid about any accidents, and don't want to have wasted $1,400. Could any of you recommend any form of reliable warranty/insurance that covers accidental damage? Any information about this matter would be much appreciated. I apologize in advance if this is the wrong category, as this isn't really a product or computer shop question, I wasn't sure where else to put it.


Jul 18, 2016
Your call on what to do, but remember this:

Insurance companies have very intelligent nerds called actuaries sitting in their offices running scenarios of products failing and their possible liability (repair, replacement, etc costs) agains their income (the amount you pay for a warranty). These guys have access to data and build spreadsheets that make normal humans cry.

My point is they sell insurance because for $X because these nerds told them you will make money hand over fist and have practically zero risk/exposure.

Does it mean you won't spill water on your precious laptop and they will pay you off. Nope, not at all. But for the price they are going to charge you, their nerds have confirmed they are going to rape & pillage based on people's fear and need to buy insurance policies.

As you might have guessed, I am not a fan of warranties. But if you must, ensure it's through a reputable company and what the provisions are when/if they ever go out of business
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