Report: 40% of Developers Not Affected by Piracy

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A recent survey conducted by industry body TIGA reveals that 40-percent of game developers--those surveyed in the UK--don't believe that piracy is currently hurting revenue

There's a BIG difference in saying that 40% of developers not affected by piracy versus 40% of developers don't feel affected by piracy.
Throttling my internet speed will NOT solve piracy!

Why cant they get it through they're thick skulls?!

Comcast is already pissing me off enough whenever I download anything more then 100 MB's. I go from 800Kbps to 5-100Kbps. Its horrible!
Piracy being that bad? Nothing else than brainwash. On the contrary, piracy usually stimulate the economy by forcing peoples to purchase more medias.
The real solution's to ban all computers. Allow people to purchase dumb terminals, which they can then log into municipal servers from, where they can administer the software and ensure no unlicensed software is used.

A special government clearance and licensing will of course be available for people wanting to write scripts or programs, for a nominal annual fee based on how much the publisher believe they're losing to counterfeiting and piracy.
dear god i hate piracy, but I hate even more that paying consumers are getting shafted by anti-piracy measures while the pirates themselves are hardly affected.
[citation][nom]Gin Fushicho[/nom]Throttling my internet speed will NOT solve piracy!Why cant they get it through they're thick skulls?!Comcast is already pissing me off enough whenever I download anything more then 100 MB's. I go from 800Kbps to 5-100Kbps. Its horrible![/citation]

Yeah, imagine how it works when the publishers/devs move to digital distribution to avoid piracy...only to discover that they're downloads are capped because of anti - "piracy" measures...ironic eh?
This is a very ambiguous survey, no mention of who, asking them if "they believe" rather than providing factual numbers (such as money). This is almost like asking anyone out on the street for their opinion.
[citation][nom]False_dmitry_ii[/nom]But that option's already on the way!It's called cloud computing.[/citation]

Although I believe the same, I still hope that's not true -.-
Imagine the lvl of control they'd have, word doc would be a $5 per month service, you'll pay monthly charges for internet security programs or anti malware/spyware, hell i'm sure almost EVERYTHING that doesn't currently have monthly or annual fees WILL have them if cloud computing is forced on us all.

On the bright side? Canada's infrastructure is dead poor so it'll be decades before they spend billions setting up fiber optics across the country. Either that or we will simply be completely fucked with low speeds and lag across the country...imagine streaming gta4 or crysis with your current web service :|
[citation][nom]the associate[/nom]Although I believe the same, I still hope that's not true -.-Imagine the lvl of control they'd have, word doc would be a $5 per month service, you'll pay monthly charges for internet security programs or anti malware/spyware, hell i'm sure almost EVERYTHING that doesn't currently have monthly or annual fees WILL have them if cloud computing is forced on us all.On the bright side? Canada's infrastructure is dead poor so it'll be decades before they spend billions setting up fiber optics across the country. Either that or we will simply be completely fucked with low speeds and lag across the country...imagine streaming gta4 or crysis with your current web service :|[/citation]
It would take a minute per frame...
Cloud computing isn't really gonna help ISPs bandwidth, now is it?

And forget about consumers rights and privacy, though sadly, those are already flying out the window...
Regarding piracy rates , either games, movies, music, software etc. it really depends on the country. Some countries are ignored or have a policy that let's users do such up to a point. In more developed countries this is hardly the issue. For example. Germany and Bulgaria. I guess they differ quite a lot on both economy and policy. Germany is more strict regarding piracy, whereas in countries similar to Bulgaria it's no big deal. In some cases piracy helps a nation, country to get out of the dark and on to the market. In some articles read some time ago I noticed that the president of one of the nations admitted that if it wasn't for piracy it's nation wouldn't even know about he PC. Quite directly put and at some point he was right. ( I'll won't mention which nation and country was that...) But it surely helped the country's economy.
The thing with buying legitimate software (games) for the pc is you are crippled by all the anti piracy malware and blocking that comes with it

download and install the pirate copy and it just works! that and the price point of most things and its a strong incentive to get it illegally.

£25 or less and i buy it outright, more than that ill probably download and try. if i think it will hold my interest i will go out and buy it every time, if not ill lose interest and delete it
Yes stealing from others can help a nation's economy. The Vikings almost totally depended on raiding, plundering, and kidnapping to generate "income". After the proceeds from the last raid were used up, they knew it was time for another expedition. This is ok until you become the country that is attacked and pirated from. Then piracy and stealing becomes a drain on your economy and makes your people poorer. Amazing how logic works huh?
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