Researchers Develop Potato-powered Batteries

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Nothing new here, go back to your home you looky-loos...

I remember using potatoes to light up a light bulb back as a 6th grade science fair project, over 20 years ago!
Hey anybody remember Parker Lewis Can't Lose when Kubiac stuffs a potato in a flashlight and calls it "Spud Light" Wow the
POTATOES?! Bah! Inferior technology!

A long time ago it has been established that lemons yield better electrical results.

A long time being, during my 4th grade science project. :|
I can't believe this junk gets news still. I was originally reading the article thinking they made some break through. Meanwhile they learned how to boil a potato, with neglegable improvements. People sensationalize things that should just be buried (pardon pun)
"This was done years ago. In the 80's (and possibly today) you could buy a digital alarm clock that ran on two raw potatoes."

Yes, but it was not done by the geniuses that are doing it now, and besides, they had the brilliant realization that boiling the potato improves matters, clearly a breakthrough beyond ordinary imagination. Impressive research coming out of Hebrew University! Truly original work.
BUT is the total energy output of the potatoes larger than the energy put in to boiling them? With every new source of energy, people seem to forget you don't get something for nothing. Please tell me this isn't just another "oh look, it appears our problems are solved! Wait, that wasn't such a good idea..."
I think people in developing countries would be better served by eating the potato than hooking an expensive white LED up to one with some raw zinc and copper, which could probably be sold locally for much more valuable resources than you'd get cash on the London exchange. Of course half the problem is that arable land is at a premium and we're not going to get appreciably more of it for the foreseeable future: even if these potatolights were useful, there's no place to grow them that isn't already being exploited.
There is nothing about this which is suitable for developing nations.
Potatos make me fart. The methane produced by me provides much more energy then their process.[I use it to power my specially modified morris minor which I call the ''morris farter'']I also make vodka with them, which is also much more energy [alcohol fuel]and will come in handy for the future monetary collapse.
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