today i turned on the computer
A. //error message //
"No Internet"
"No issues detected"
{Boot Log}
[Day 1]
turn on. open browser #1. //error message//
"No Internet"
"No issues detected"
open browser #2. //error message//
(exclaimation point icon) No network Access
open browser #1. instant fail in 1.2 seconds. //error message//

refresh, instant fail in 1.2 seconds.
open browser #2. instant fail in 1.2 seconds. //error message//

refresh, instant fail in 1.2 seconds.
internet connection icon spinning around and around, over and over again without halt or cease to the destruction of the world without solution or reparations. no future in sight to the survival of Mankind, as there was no future for the world.
Turn off computer

A New Rennaisance
the Golden Age
The Dawn of a New Age of Man
To usher in the New Age of Man
thanks for your help
my computer works now. the internet is functioning properly now. i will keep you undated as to the continued success or failure of this situation.
Jesus Christ
you have really helped me
teaching people to get better, will lead to these people being able to now teach other people help eachother out, and so on and so forth, until all 7 billion people are trying to help eachother out; and
to heal the Earth. I am now a teacher, and helping people on the forum
😀much appreciated
😀 you have done a lot for me, and so i want to take a moment to give you the proper commendations and appreciation. i will not forget what you have done for me! thanks John!
🆒John, i just want to thank you for your help🆒