Reusing Masonry Screws set in mortar between cinderblock in dry garage--for a coax Ground Block

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Dec 21, 2014
I was going to mount an antenna on the roof, with coax connection from it (to the garage). The garage wall is cinder block, and there is a ground block already attached, with the DirectTV coaxial input cable, but there is only 1 attachment for a coax. I got a new ground block with multiple coax hookups, and need help.

I was hoping I could attach the new ground block without having to drill new starter holes. The old block was attached by drilling through the mortar, between the cinderblocks. Would it be possible to just reuse 1 of the concrete screws (I would have said both screws, but the mounting holes on the new one are not the same distance apart as on the old grounding block). I've never drilled into mortar, before. I have 2 new conical, plastic screw anchors; but, I'm not sure which kind was used.

Is it possible to unscrew the masonry screws from the mortar, off the old grounding block without disturbing the mortar enough to be able to reuse the existing hole? I just was wanting to see which anchors were used.


Dec 21, 2014
O.K. One of the mounting screw loosened, then tightened up, o.k. Now, I just need to get enough info to be able to drill 1 new starter hole into the mortar, between the cinderblocks, below the original lower screw (since the 2 mounting holes on the new grounding block are farther apart than on the old block).
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