[citation][nom]ankit0x1[/nom]hope u all guyz are wrong....i believe it will succeed, if it wins ,consumers will win...stiff competitions, better OS[/citation]
I dont know man, how much better can you make a GUI? I think MS did pretty awesome with live tiles but other than that, they are all basically the same thing. What we need is not innovation on the OS side but on the usability and battery side. Just an example, a clear strap bracelet like device that when give a specific voice command lights up and looks just like iOS (for simplicity sake) and somehow uses kinetic energy to stay charged. A vast majority of phones are what 4-5 inches, rectangular and you press icons to do stuff. Maybe something along those same lines but use it on the forearm like a QB does (just not as thick) but also has a pico projector. These are the things i would like to see brought to light. Not another rectangular device with icons that i have to put in my pocket.