Rock Out With Guitar Tech @ CES

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Just thought i would point out the spelling error in the 2nd paragraph "replete". but i DO like the idea of a Roboguitar, it would be mucho helpful. :p


Dec 23, 2007
^Ya it's sweet if you want a guitar with crap pickups, MIDI which you'll never use, and a ridiculously processed tone. That and Gibson's QC is in the absolute shitter. I played one in a guitar center recently, your better off with a nice LP custom, the P90s kick the crap out of that thing.

/end rant
Sorry about that, I play guitar so I see the robot and Darkfire and just get aggravated that Gibson won't try to make something useful(auto tuning and intonation is cool though) or at least try to fix the QC.


Jan 20, 2009
I actually think the idea of a piezo pickup for midi out is awesome. I have a magnetic pickup that I will be using for a guitar that I am specially building for it. The real advantage to midi is when you are a one man guy trying to record an album and you don't have the time to learn how to play keyboards and all of the other instruments you may need, especially if you are doing something complex like progressive metal, where each part can have very difficult parts to them. The automatic tuning seems like a nice idea, but it would be helpful if you could save your own setups (tune the guitar to standard E with a set of .010's save that as a patch, then drop D it, save as another patch, etc, etc. If you put on different strings (.009's or .011's for example) you'd have to redo it all over again, but since there's 500 configs you could have them set per string set. Needless to say I do play guitar. Seems like alot of potential with this... better than the Yamaha G10 concept from the 80's anyways!

And to the guy saying about pickups, it may be possible to put in your own pickups. It seems like everything is done in a converter, so the pickups are probably the stock crap Gibson ones.


Aug 25, 2008
Robertito,I was talking asthetics,I already have a nice gibby,a few years ago I bought a Les Paul Studio AAA Flame top in root beer,and no quality control probs here,the axe is a beauty and plays fantasic,but I know what you are talking with Gibsons sometimes suspect QC.....
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